Unpredictability- Thy name is Hubli Weather

 Maya- Hubli weather

She is sun
She is rain
She is Fire
She is Ice....
She is Maya
She is unpredictable.....
She is Hubli Weather....
In Mythology, there were Asuras.....who would play tricks.....blowing wind,fire....bursting rains....clouds.....suddenly........creating havoc in lives....and disturb mankind.
Past few days ...Hubli weather is behaving like these Unpredictable Mayavi Asuras......
The temperature shooting up to scorching 48deg ....
Making life difficult for humans ,animals and plants .....
Heatstroke and Perishing of plants.....
Suddenly, the winds become strong....felling trees,roofs flying, ...mudstorm.....
All of sudden....rains start lashing.....hailstorm damages life and property....flooding every where ....life comes to a halt.....and temperatures drop to 18deg.......
As we start enjoying a pleasant weather with cool breeze .....

After few days .....we are back to scorching 48degrees.......
This unpredictability of Mother Nature has thoroughly confused my Body Thermoregulation.
Whether to react to 48deg......or suddenly change to 18deg.....total confusion......
Seeing a sunny weather....I decide to go outside for a long run.....
Midway, get caught in a downpour....
Body at 48deg temperature is forced to come down to cold 18deg......
Even my culinary activities are tested.....
The scorching heat in morning....makes me drink Buttermilk instead of hot tea....
The cool evenings make me prepare Tambuli of Ragi and Buttermilk......
Suddenly the rains bring down to 18deg....the Tambuli gets replaced by Hot Rasam at night.....
And vice versa......
What is prepared....and what actually goes in......is unpredictable.....
Even my Idli Dosa batter is getting confused...To Raise and be Sour....or not to Raise at all......
Well,Jokes Apart....
This Unpredictable Weather...is confusing our poor Farmers....
The sudden incessant rains...made the Metereological department declare early onset of monsoons this year.so the Farmers prepared soil and sowed the seeds.....but the sudden rise of scorching sun to 50deg.....burnt the sown seeds...and there is no sign of rains......
After few days....again incessant heavy hailstorm washed away the upper layer of soil......
So much loss......
The unpredictability heavy rains,mudstorm,hailstorm.....and now again the scorching heat wave ..is havoc to people on the streets for their livelihood...and stray animals and the Flora around us....
Global warming due to reckless felling of green belt,pollution and careless use technology for personal benefit......
Nature obviously will react back in fury....
A heavy price to be paid by all of us.....
The more we try to control Mother Nature....
The more aggressively Mother Nature replies and revolts back.......


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