
 Childhood ....

Fleeting moments which remain in heart forever as memories....Simple and Pure.
Sitting all's so refreshing reminiscing those moments of bliss with grandparents, childhood
Games played on the street open in front of our homes....
No Technology, no expensive gadgets or toys.....
Just roadside stones....and lots of friends.
Fights,Laughter,Pulling each other,Supporting each other......
Ajji would prepare Hot piping Sambhar with Idlis.....the aroma would reach entire neighborhood......
Afternoons would be on Ajja's lap....listening to his old village stories.....
School had games, and so many extra curricular activities.....but also strict Teachers to pull our ears or hit with ruler if played a truant.....
School also had Principal who would talk about current political situation and ultimately link it with our studies somehow.
Glory days of gay abandon.......
Exams were the only Stress......
But Irony is .....growing up faster to enjoy world of independence of adulthood was the only prayer then......
Now when Adulthood though gives Freedom today.....but overburdened with responsibilities.......
Prayer to God.....give me back my childhood days of Fun and Dependence ever....

- Dr Tripti Milind Galgali


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