Dear Daughter

 Dear Daughter.

A letter to all daughters from Mothers.

The minute I held you in my arms....
I could see my reflection look back at me.
The day you first smiled....I saw myself smile back .....
Your first step, your words, your first day of school.....your all first.......saw  part of myself in you.......
And at same time.....a different person moulding.......having her own style and individuality.
A person though similar to me.....but so much dissimilar to me.......
Dear Daughter.....
I don't expect you to be Me....
Nor do I want you to follow my footsteps.....
I neither want you to follow someone else......
Neither do I want you to be like Jhansi Laxmibai.....or Indira Gandhi......
I want you to be You.....only You.
Develop your own self......
I want you to be strong......confident.....
But don't become weak if you fall or fail or cry when hurt.
I want you to follow your path......but it's not necessary that the path needs to be straight......
I want you to fly.....but there's nothing wrong to stop....and slow down.....and rest when tired.
I want you to be fierce and fight for yourself .....but you can be warm and soft at times......
For you the whole world is an open playground and sky is the limit......
Go after your dreams......
Let nothing or nobody stop you.....
And have me always at each hurdle and storm ....
Go Girl....
Live your dreams.....make yourself Proud.....
And inspire another Little Girl.....and  be her Guiding Force.

- Dr Tripti Milind Galgali

A group of 25  girls who are daughters of Kargil Martyrs drove  1000kms on motorbikes to pay homage to their Fathers on Kargil Diwas........

Let our daughters be fearless and strong....and emotional and loving.


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