Mother- First Guru

 Mother- A child's first Guru.

Today is Guru Pournima.
A child 's first Guru is the Mother.
When Shivaji Maharaj was young....his mother Jijabai became his first Guru...she taught him sword fighting, instilled values by narrating stories from Ramayana and Mahabharata....Jijabai sowed the seeds of Swaraj and Maratha Empire.....into Shivaji Maharaj. Then handed little Shivaji to be further trained by Dadaji Kondev.
Abhimanyu in utero would listen to his mother Subhadra....who taught him War formations.... Chakravyuh
Naman to all Mothers- First Guru in life of a child....on occasion of Guru Pournima.
Today women are taking up multiple reponsibilities, roles and professions.
A woman when enters Motherhood.....has to face lot of challenges and struggles.....
Managing work front.....and also Motherhood......
It takes a village to raise a child.
And if you add professional responsibilities to this......
Every moment you are walking a Tight rope .....juggling many responsibilities and commitments.
Dear Career Mommy.......
Motherhood requires lots of commitment.
A child requires Mother in initial growing years.
It's a fact.....nobody can argue nor deny.....
A Village......Which includes You,Father of child,Grand parents, Care takers, essential and important in raising a Child.
You can never do it all alone.....
So don't hesitate or feel shy asking for help.
If you do opt to join workforce......the co workers too become a crucial part of That Village......
Should a woman leave her Professional work if opting Motherhood????
That's completely the choice of the Woman......
And nothing wrong if she opts one or both.....
Here,dear Mommy.....
Do not forget.....You are the First the life of your child.
Your child looks upto you.
You are the first person to teach the child A B C of life.....
You are the first role model....
You are the first Mentor......
Tomorrow when you tell the child.....
You sacrificed your life....your career....your promotion....your growth.....for bringing the child up.......
Child is obviously going to feel guilty.....and his or her life decisions in future may get affected......
Oh First Guru of a Child.....
Never regret any decision you make.
If you want to have your professional life along with Motherhood.....don't shy away from asking help......
Here,I urge the Men .....please let out your helping hand to the Working Woman.Share the responsibilities and chores equally.
Dear adjust,encourage and support working woman home,work front,and surroundings.
Dear Mommy.....
Never feel guilty about anything.
Nobody and nothing is Perfect. Mistakes are done by every one....
Teach child to be confident, independent and caring by you being that individual first.
You follow your dreams first.....only then will the child follow you.
You are the Guru....whom child looks up proudly with respect......
शत शत नमन......
To my first Guru....who taught me to manage both herself following the path......
To my Mother in Law.....who was a fighter....
To all the Lady Doctors who encouraged me to never leave my professional life after Motherhood by  being that strong guiding force......
To my daughter.....who will follow her mother's footsteps.....


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