Right to Choose

 Right to choose.

Sri Sri says....
"Life gives you choices.How your life goes....depends upon your choices.Choose Happiness always."

We have the right to make our own choices in Life.
Life throws challenges.....
Where we take our Life .....the path depends upon the choices we make during those challenges and circumstances.
In 12th boards ,my marks fell a bit short to secure medical seat in my hometown Mumbai.Except for the topmost medical colleges in Mumbai.....I had secured admission to all branches of Science and that too in Premier Institutions.
But I wanted to pursue only Medicine and in Premier Institution of India.So When I got call from MGIMS, Sewagram.....a rural setup.....with life and environment totally different from Mumbai.....I decided to leave Mumbai and the comforts of home....
The choice was To become a Good Doctor.
Was life comfortable for 5 and half years in Sewagram????
Absolutely not.Life and lifestyle was both challenging. It needed lots of adjustments and loads of mental strength.
MBBS is stressful.
Hostel life even more.
Food was bad...leaky Hostel room,harsh climate.....and no options available.
I was given the right to choose.....
Mumbai but another profession.
But I chose Medical Profession.

Dear Friends,
Every walk....every moment.....Life does challenge you to Choose.
If we choose....things which bring Happiness inside you......
Body and Mind prepare you to face all hardships.....
Teaches you to adjust to all discomforts.....
Makes you focus on your goal.....
Helps you to overlook and overcome obstacles and difficulties.....

Whenever the journey gets uneasy and challenging.....
Choose Happiness over everything.
If you are happy ....the job and environment surrounding you.....becomes exciting.
However compromising and filled with deficits...it may be......
But if you are Happy......the task becomes enjoyable....
The Entire process...and journey memorable.....worth cherishing.
I was very Happy pursuing MBBS in MGIMS, Sewagram.
Hence,the entire 5 and half years spent in most stressful and compromising conditions......are well cherished with Everlasting Fond Memories. 


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