The Y2K generation. 

Y2K.... the new year sent everyone globally in a frenzy.

Some found it savvy....hence many got married, many delivered......that new year.....millenial progeny.

But what set the frenzy.....is Computer world.....all data had to be reset.....

The Entire documenting back office became very busy.

The Y2K generation became Tech dependent......

Everything became available......yes A to Z.....Everything, Everyone, Anything,Anyone......the whole Millenium got controlled by the Click of the index ☝️ finger.......

A single Click......and instantly " Viola"..... you get the world at your doorstep and at your behest......right in front of you.

Life became easier....

Things moved superfast.....

Life pace also sprinted faster than Hyena.....


Yes....but it added " Impatience"......

Everyone got used to Instant Gratification.....

Dear Friends.....

Artificial Intelligence....AI.....in the end is controlled by the Human Brain.....

It's natural for a Human Brain to make a small margin of delay....an error....a miss.....a fatigue......

A fraction moment of Patience is necessary at times......in life.

A fraction of imperfection does happen.....

A fraction moment of waiting....and wanting.

But we don't have that Patience anymore.....

This is causing us to be ever angry,hurting, disgruntled, disappointed.....

Life and Human body....Human Mind ....in this Y2K era.....expects ever to be on the move......

Robots too break down....so do Computers ....and so does the system.

We are Humans.if machines can break down.......obviously we also do.......

Everything...Every one ....needs a break .....otherwise you breakdown.Physically and Mentally......

" What kind of life is this....

There is no time to stand still....

And stare.....

To watch the cattle graze....

To watch the clouds aloft......

To just gaze at the stars at night....

To just sit back ....

And ponder.....

Do just do nothing........


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