Couple and Finance

 Couple and Finance.

- Dr Tripti Milind Galgali, Hubli.

I am not a Financial wizard .I believe in the Marathi saying " थेंबे थेंबे तळे साचे"....

Every small drop saved forms an Ocean one day.

My Financial advisor was my Father in Law. 

My Finance Manager is my husband. 

The difference between my mother's generation and mine is....we don't blindly just hand over our earnings and not ne bothered about Finance. 

I read and understand the different savings and investment plans.Discuss with Milind and then he does the needful. 

I am well aware of my Money.

But my next generation is more smarter. 

They make their own investments and manage their own Finances.

Investment and Savings....

Investments help your money grow.

Savings help you in Emmergency. 

You must never put your apples in just one basket....

You must divide your money party in Savings....Partly in Investments. 

Both are important to secure your future. 

One need not be Tata,Birla or Ambani to make Investments. 

You can invest as well save with just meticulous planning. 

This blog is not about Financial knowledge. 

This blog is on Couple Finances.

2 people who are highly skilled,well earning ,well educated Professionals in a marriage or staying together as a couple.

The increase rate of disgruntle and separation between couples today is disheartening. 

Most common reason being Ego clashes.

Most common cause in Ego differences is Finance.

I maynot be a Champion,dear Friends. 

But let me share advice given to me by the senior generation....

If we expect to live in a Gender Neutral Society.....

Then,both Boy and Girl need to be Financially well oriented, organized and earning.


Dear Draupadi, no Govind is coming to save your Dignity.....

Dear Arjun,no Govind is coming to drive your chariot.......

You both have to manage your lives and Finances yourself. 

As only have to emotionally support and motivate each other.

When 2 people who are very ambitious, great plans for a prolific future,career,Aspirations, expectations from Life.......

Dear Girls and Boys......

Manage your Finances well to manage your Loans,your Investments responsibly.

In the journey and path of your ambition and I stress to both Girls and Boys in a relationship.......never force your partner to sacrifice their Dreams to fulfill your dreams.

Support each other......but don't suffocate each other.

Investments help to multiply your wealth. 

But not all investments give rich dividends.

Sometimes, one ends up losing too.

Savings give you that Emmergency fund which will save in times of issues ,education of kids....could be anything. 

Savings are the ones who save you when your boat while floating develops a hole....

2 S are needed to keep the boat of your relationship and sailing.....Share and Shoulder.

Share chores....

Shoulder responsibility 


2 P are must for stability of your Finances.....

Patience and Pragmatic. 

Investments and Savings both together reap rich dividends in future...if one is patient path has lots of ups and downs......

And Pragmatic even in difficult times. 

Life is unpredictable. 

Wise investments and shrewd savings....

Simplicity and Humility.....

Couple Goals for good Finances in life.

When the going gets tough at times....

Tough get going.....

Tough times test your relationship as a couple.

Ego in a relationship is like a Crack in Foundation. 

A Crack weakens the foundation of a structure which collapses under a simple hurricane. 

Any crisis in life .....especially a financial debacle.....the 2 people in a relationship must support each other....the boat with a hole too shall sail peacefully......across turbulent waves.

If even one decides to leave ......

The sailing boat sinks....even in a calm sea.

God gives us 5 senses.

Finance is the 6th sense......

In today's era of gender neutrality.....

Both partners are equally responsible for the sail of ship in the sea of relationship. 

And Finances in a couple.....


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