Depression in Medical Students

 " Depression in Medical students ".

" Sir,please give permission to go home."....

Biochemistry practical was going on.

I went to my Biochemistry HOD who was sitting there in the Practical Hall.....and asked permission to leave.

He signed .....

I left.He turned to my batchmate " Where is her home?"

My bewildered batchmate replied " 16hrs train journey overnight."

My HOD got shocked.......

I had left home for further studies first time.

Hostel life first time.

Different place,tough climate,.....bad food,ragging period.......

But more than all these problems....what used to trigger the sudden unexpected urge of running away was the adjustment to the tough curriculum of MBBS. 

Recently, social media is a buzz with mental health, stress ,depression amongst Medical students. 

Shocked to hear Medical students- Doctors who would be saving lives of millions tomorrow- we're taking a major step of ending their own lives- Committing Suicide.......

What drives these young vulnerable minds to reach the pinnacle of frustration and hopelessness.....????..

I would like to share my woes in MBBS. 

Our Indian school teaching method is primarily Rote Learning.....


Students are never taught to analyse and assimilate knowledge by developing curiosity,inquisitiveness and parallel skills.....Students are never taught to argue,differ or voice thoughts.....or give opinions......

Boards are Objectives and Marks oriented. 

Aptitude and Attitude 

Inclinations and Passions....

All these play Zero Role in choices of Professional courses. 

Job Oriented preferences and Social Status .....on these criteria...students are forced to plan their future. 

With all these pre existing baggage.....

And huge investment of Parents- Finance, Emotional and Personal Aspirations- 

A huge heavy burden on the shoulders of young students.....

MBBS curriculum per se is vast....

The Entire course long,stressful and challenging. 

It's not easy at all.

A student scoring above 90% in school years......suddenly starts stagnating due to a different approach to understanding the curriculum......

" Why am I finding it difficult to fathom my subjects?"

The curriculum demands analysis,creativity and innovation.....

It does take time for the student to adjust to a drastic change....

Body ,hormones,Distractions of surroundings, new life......

Today,the new curriculum gives hardly any time for the students to understand their subjects and acquire skills and acumen. 

In all this turmoil,if Parents overhaul undue pressure of performance......

Teachers overhaul pressures of Perfection........

The innocent minds of these vulnerable kids is bound to crash......

The constant badgering " You don't understand even this small easy thing."

" You have been invested so much on".....

The Final Assault" You will be a worthless Doctor ".......

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Be patient. Be careful with your angry comments Understand the kids and their emotions.......

Do note mental stress of kids and never avoid seeking help for the kids if under duress

Dear Parents, 

At times,overprotection weakens the mental stability of kids ,making them vulnerable to slightest provocation.

Dear Students, 

It's absolutely okay to feel dumb and worthless. You don't have to get so worked up....or take shortcomings so seriously......that you feel depressed or commit suicide.......

Life has many options. 

Every problem in life has better and many options.......and Hello! SUICIDE IS NEVER AN OPTION NOR A SOLUTION. 

Approach your parents. Approach your Teachers.

Seek professional help if mind is in turmoil.

Quitting from Life is .....Absolutely not happening. 

Instead Quit the course....and opt something else. 

Follow your passion.

Follow your heart.

Happiness is not just a choice.....

Happiness is the only way to Life.

A Healthy mind a Happy Service Provider of Tomorrow. 

Dr Tripti Milind Galgali 

Anaesthesiologist, Hubli.


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