Nirbhaya and Abhaya

 Nirbhayas and Abhayas.....

A decade back a young girl in Delhi was brutally assaulted,rated and murdered in Delhi.....Nirbhaya.

Then came the Hyderabad incident, where a Young Veterinary Doctor was raped and burnt alive.

Recently, a young lady Doctor was tortured,battered,rated and murdered in a Kolkata government hospital while on duty.

Social Media outraged....Nirbhaya1, Nirbhaya 2,Abhaya.....

We name them with so many names....

Hold Candle March....

Protest....Demand Justice. 

In India,statistics say every 16minutes a Female is raped....irrespective of age....

A toddler to a Geriatric ......

All Females....get molested....

This statistics is reported ones and official......

But there are so many unreported......

Unheard and Undocumented.......

Teacing our Girls to protect themselves.....

"Draupadi today no Govind is going to come to your rescue......

You have to protect yourself.....

There are few Govind in our Patriachal society......??????

Historical times till date.....

A Woman has always been " An Object".... never as Individual. 

An Object of Desire

An Object of Possession 

An Object to be won over war,fights....

An Object to be Lusted....

An Object of Entertainment.....

An Object with no Rights or Freedom or Thoughts of her own.

An Object to be Suppressed and Dominated.,Violated.

 A baby is born......only males get preference in our patriachal society. 

Rest are unaccountable and birth.....each girl is a Woman......An Object.

A Woman is " Raped" every single day of her life since birth......

Only the physical assaults and Molestation are reported. 

But are the verbal abuse and mental manipulation, suppression, indignity, insults,......since birth doubted,reported in reality. NO.

Even today, Women have to fight for Right to Survival, Right to Education, Right to Work,Pay Disparity, .... .Right to Property......Right to Existence. 

 Women have to fight for equality for Individuality.

The dwindling ratio....The shocking Disparity in Male; Female ratio in our 140Cr population is appalling. 

Instead of teaching our girls to protect themselves....

The need of hour is to change each mindset.....

Change attitude of patriachal society.......

When a young boy since his childhood witnesses the women in his house and surroundings being suppressed,assaulted,physically and mentally abused and the Men ....

He thinks it's normal to hurt Objectify a Woman.

Teach a woman lesson for indignant behavior....put her in your power ......

Masculinity is ruling over a woman as she is meek and weak......

A Man who is chivalrous,soft,and termed Effeminate.......such a "Man should wear Bangles"......who supports woman.....

When movies like " Kabir Singh" and " Animal" becomes gross hit in Entertainment just proved the Mindset of today's Generation......

It proved the sick definition of " Masculinity"........

How are we going to protect Dignity of our girls and women??????

Will Candle March Protests and Black bands..... Strikes.......Social Media uproars.......etc etc etc........are they going to stop the degrading mindset of Society?????

Are we blaming just easy access to pornography,Heinous material on affect our boys with venomous mindset and attitude towards Women??????

The crux of this is Mindset of Society towards Woman.....

Woman needs to be treated and accepted as just another Individual......

A Girl must be born as An Individual....not as A Woman.......

First a Human Being with her own Individuality....later a daughter, a sister,a girlfriend,a wife,a mother.

A boy needs to be born as just another human .....not as The Man.......

- Dr Tripti Kurbet Galgali 



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