A little motivation

 A little motivation......

I was in 12th standard...Science stream..the crucial year which decided your career and life in future. 

I wanted to pursue MBBS and become a Doctor. 

High cutoffs means almost more than 97% marks in Science subjects. 

I was finding Physics difficult and scores were dropping due to low grades in that one subject. 

One of my Physics teachers passed a random comment " These low grade and average IQ....an average performance.....you really need to review your career options ".....

( I can't publicly share her demotivating taunt in my blog)

My self confidence plummeted suddenly and I actually started doubting my IQ and my efforts. 

Yes,I couldn't score the required marks due to Physics to secure admission in Mumbai.

But,I worked hard in MGIMS All India enterance and got 10th rank in Maharashtra state quota....and rest is history......

I am not demeaning that teacher.

She voiced the bitter truth.....

But her words were demotivating.

That moment brought me very low.

But it did make me work hard on my subjects to help me score well in All India Enterance Exam.

Let me share with you my journey from competitive enterance Exams and MBBS course years.

I have always been an average kid.My performance in Preliminary eams( 12th boards and all 3 MBBS exams) had been not satisfactory. My scores used to make some teachers comment on my ambition and dream of becoming a Doctor. 

But my Father and my Teachers who knew my efforts and sincerity never got perturbed .They would always motivate,encourage and support me. They never lost hope on me or my capabilities. They never ever gave up on me.

Dear Friends, 

I am not a professional therapist nor an expert in counseling. 

I talk on basis of my own life experiences. 

Today, especially Science stream,12th standard is deciding period for the future career.

Enterance Exams are stressful and with growing years....very Very Competitive. 

The seats available are very few compared to lakhs and lakhs of students giving the exams.....

More Demand Lesser Supply.....

Not every kid is Genius.

Majority kids have same IQ level and grasping power  

Majority kids work extremely hard. 

Some succeed in scoring the required cutoffs while other are unfortunate.

Does that mean ....the kid unable to score the required marks is having Low IQs or below average or Dumb....

Absolutely NO NO NO.

Let's not segregate young vulnerable minds by mere Marks.

Marks ,I agree, are the only way to decide Rank for Admission purpose. 

But Marks never ever decide MERIT or APTITUDE or IQ of a kid.

Never ever belittle or demean a kid for low scores.....by calling the kid " DUMB",HOPELESS....derogatory words. 

Aiming high ,being ambitious is not a crime.Every kid has that right to hope high aims.....to hope for bright future. 

Most kids work very hard and sincerely. 

As Adults, it's our duty to motivate kids.

Yes,a reality check is important. 

But the words chosen must be careful.

My kids were in a residential college which gave coaching for IIT/ JEE/ CET/ NEET. 

The college had students coming from rural families and also had RTE students. 

Just a conversation with the young innocent minds.....

Extremely hard working and ambitious for a better life in future.....

It was interesting and Eye opener.

Intriguing and even Appalling. 

" I don't want to get married after 12th std and end up like my mother enthrusted with familial obligations "

" I don't want to become a farm laborer like my father toiling entire life"

Every kid has the Right to dream for a better life....a better future. 

A little motivation from adults will boost kids to perform well.

A few good  words of encouragement will help them work harder towards their goals.

Never under estimate....Never judge on face value or few marks.....Never categorize IQs on basis of marks scored.....

Dear Kids....

No profession is small.

You need not be in the best profession to make a bright career for yourself. 

You need to be the best in whichever profession you are....to have a great successful career.

Sincerity and hard work always pays rich dividends. 

There is no short cut towards success.

Nobody is born with High IQ.

We work hard to get knowledge and develop our abilities. 

Everyone has the capability to perform well.

All that is needed is Focus,Hard work,Dedication and......a

 Little Motivation .

Dr Tripti Milind Galgali 



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