Flying Trends

 Flying  Trends.....

1903,Wright Brothers first time flew an aircraft ....flight was for few seconds.
1911,first commercial flight flew in India.
Mythology writes about Pushpak Vimana possessed by Ravana  ....first he took to kidnap Sira to Lanka.....
Then Lord Rama used that to return back to Ayodhya.

Aviation has developed a lot in years.
Pre Independence and many years post Independence, Aviation was a Luxury.
Only the ultra rich....the Maharajas, Bureaucrats, Powerful personalities could afford traveling by Air.
During my parents generation, an occasional travel by air was celebrated.
Dresses were stitched or purchased only for the air travel. Photos were clicked at the airports with the aircraft behind.
Meeting the beautiful Airhostess serving you was cherished.
After privatization of the Aviation industry, many companies have started catering to the needs of public.
At one were available cheaper than train travel......
Indians are now preferring air travel for its convenience.
Government too has built many airports all over ....even in Tier 3 cities for more public to indulge in Aviation.
Airports are over crowded at all times and night.
Flights go fully booked in any route.
I asked my daughter to name the most commonly used " Public Transport "....
As a kid,I would have answered " Railways"..
My Gen Z daughter replied " ✈️ ✈️ ✈️  Flights".....
Though majority of our Indian population even today travels in Railway Trains.
Middle Class and above prefer Air travel today for long distances.
Air travel is definitely not cheap. It is expensive. But the comfort and time saved makes people spend even on expensive flight tickets.
Air travel is preferred by frequent travelers who travel up down on daily basis for work purposes or business purposes.
Today, Aviation is no longer a Luxury.
It's now graded as " Public  Transport ".
Aviation has traveled a long way indeed
From Pushpak Vimana of Ravana.....
To..... Udaan Schemes of Air India

As kids,seeing an occasional aeroplane was exciting and shouting " Aeroplane Bye Bye".... Running and waving frantically......
Memories of childhood for my generation.....
Gen Z regards Aeroplane as Public Transport.....and aspires to own their own Private Jets to fly around.......
Flying Trends keep changing.....

Hawa mein Udta jaaye......

✈️      ✈️       ✈️    ✈️   ✈️

Dr Tripti Milind Galgali ,Hubli 


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