My Rural Experiences

 My Rural experience. 

In my earlier blog I have mentioned about my Medical college and my Class. 

MGIMS, Sewagram is a Rural based Medical school. Those days Sewagram was Medical college, its Doctors and a few villages close by.

The nearest town was Wardha which was around 20-30km from Sewagram. 

Also each batch had a adopted village.We had to stay in that village for 1 month and then in later years, monthly once visit. 

Village exposure was a lifetime experience both surreal and overwhelming for a Mumbai metro city girls like me and my friends. 

Most of us had never seen a village . Only in movies, we had seen rural India. 

Lush green fields, Thatched roofed huts,Rivers, Cows, Buffaloes, Goats, Bullock carts. Bathing in rivers, Sleeping on Machans, Relieving ourselves in open fields....all was challenging for us.

I had seen milk being drawn from Buffaloes and goats for first time. In Mumbai, milk was always supplied at home in packets. 

Plucking oranges and Guavas from Orchards and eating. The freshness and taste still lingers in my mouth even today. 

Being so close to nature was a thrilling experience for most of us.

But at the same time, the poverty and simplicity of the villagers made us realize the importance of luxury like water always in our taps, 24×7 Electricity, Transport, Gadgets etc. 

We missed our tiled posh houses and cold fridge water, Television set a lot. 

So whenever we would visit Wardha, at times we got urge to randomly enter some posh, rich house. We have shamelessly asked them for Fridge water to drink. 

The house owners would understand the plight of young Doctors missing their home and they would make us comfortable. 

The Villagers, though poor, would offer us Jaggery Tea and hot Poha. 

The 5and half years long period in Sewagram was challenging and taught us Life lessons. 

It taught us to respect Grass root India and Gratitude to everything God and Nature has bestowed upon us.


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