
Showing posts from June, 2021

Oh Yuva Yuva......

 India has approximately130cr population. Of which around 50% or so is in15to 24years ofage group.The Youth. The backbone of every nation is the strong, vigorous,and believing youth.The nation progresses by the freshness and energy of the youth.Youth is hope and future of our country. 12th January is celebrated as National Youth Day.This year 2021 theme is Channelizing Youth Power.  Youth are hot fire,full of energy,ideas and vigor.Their energies, thoughts,ideas need to be motivated and channelized in the right direction for their future welfare and also benefit of our nation. A clueless youth is either hesitantand fearful  or he is wild and reckless. Education builds character, increases mental strength, expands intellect, and most important makes one stand on one's feet. We need to provide the youth education which will build his character and instill human values. We need to tap the revolutionary, fresh,innovative ideas of youth by encouraging and motivating the youth. In view o

Listen to your heart

 Every great dream begins with a dreamer. A small kid when asked" What do you want to be?". He blurts out immediately a name of a character or a person he adores most.,who is his hero. His dreams are unconditional without any perspectives.Pure Passion. As a kid,our imagination is infinite. No boundaries.  As we age,we start building fences and boundaries around us. Our thoughts ,activities, surroundings all start shrinking.  We start getting influenced by each and every thing and every person we come across. The innocence and passion gets lost. I have been always impressed by Mother Teresa as a kid and MS Dhoni ( Indian cricket captain) in today's times.  Their life is very inspiring.  They both followed their passion against all odds,criticism,discouragement,despair.With sheer grit and determination, they stood up for their passion.They trusted their hard work,instincts,skills.They achieved what they expected from themselves. They brought laurels and respect for themselv

Newton's Laws of Motion.

 Remember studying Newton's 3 Laws of Motion. Law 1- Law of Inertia.  Law2- Law of Momentum Law 3- Equal and opposite Reaction. You may be wondering the purpose of Physics in daily life. I have no intention to teach Physics.But this Pandemic ,I was pondering into the importance of Laws of motion in daily life. In routine life,we are either running a race against time aimlessly or just stagnating lazily.  Both volatility and stagnation by themselves serve no productivity. Volatility ever brings frustration and Stagnation ever brings boredom. Both being detrimental.  A wildly flowing river only goes into ocean. A directionless rolling stone just gathers no moss. But if this flowing river is confined into a reservoir by a dam built by the stones serves to the whole society.  Our body and mind must never be allowed to wander aimlessly nor be allowed to stagnate purposeless. There needs Momentum of ideas and action which will progress Humanity.  But continuous acceleration and force is