
Showing posts from July, 2021


 Covid Pandemic brought testing and stressful situations in our lives. The Frontline workers-Doctors,nurses,Ayah,Wardboys,sweepers,-,Ambulances, Government organizations, Non Government organizations, Volunteers,Crematorium workers -all braveheart souls came full force to help win Pandemic. These brave people were well aware of the risk of Covid infection to themselves and to their family as well.But their strong will motivated them to work tirelessly.  But,the Pandemic also shocked us with Corruption in society and Apathy of certain people. The dark ugly side of human being was exposed by unscrupulous people wanting to encash the helplessness of the Pandemic situations. Hoarding of life saving drugs,Medical equipments,Hospital beds, oxygen cylinders and selling them at exhorbitant prices.Duping and Forgery, Corruption left us aghast.  Some anxious,weak hearted people discriminated and isolated Covid warriors and Covid infected patients. The crucial time when these people needed human

Wheel of Time.

 I am Time.Ticking every second.I keep moving forward.I can be remembered but never reversed.I only live at the moment.My hours are looked forward. Yesterday,I was in a group of Time Travel. We were from age 86yrs to age 30yrs. The thoughts of each made me write this blog. Woman has travelled the Wheel of Time in True essence. The octogenarian was reminiscing her ancestral home and childhood.Filled with fun,folic and carefree days. But the restrictions and boundaries were put on her from youth .Restriction to education,pursuing passions and basic things in life. A visit to neighbor had to be asked for permission .A life of a caged bird in the name of Traditions,Family virtues, Honor ,Extended obligations....list was endless. The septagenarian was reminiscing her youth and college life.Full of carefree days .Filled with thrills and frills.But freedom in later parts of life came with boundaries. Family and marital responsibility. Traditional values and culture put boundaries for her pass

Value of WOMB

 WOMB is the best and biggest gift bestowed upon a woman by Mother Nature. Nurturing a life for 9 months in the womb and undergoing life threatening labor and giving birth is a fulfilling and gratifying experience.  Whether it is boy or girl.....both are beautiful gift of God.  But some sections of our Society don't feel so. Strong son-preference giving rise to sex selection, abortions and abuse to females is appalling.  Yesterday, I was called for Emmergency Csection.The patient was carrying her 4th child.She had previous 3 female children.  Suddenly in her last trimester I.e 7th month she developed high blood pressure 210/120mmHg.That caused her Kidney,Liver and bleeding profiles get deranged abnormally.  She delivered a healthy Male child.but she started bleeding profusely. We call this Post Partum Haemorrhage.  With God's grace, her condition stabilised after 24 hours. Her mother was in despair looking at the frail,Pathetic condition of her daughter. She started crying and