
Showing posts from August, 2021

Organ donation.

 This August 13 ,we celebrated World Organ donation day.This day is celebrated to spread awareness of Organ donation and promote the Organ donation drive amongst public. The 1st Organ Transplant in world was done in 1954. The 1st Organ transplant in India was done in 1965 in King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. The Organ transplanted was Kidney. I have been grateful for being part of 2 Kidney transplants and 1 Liver transplant till now. My 1st Transplant experience as Anaesthesiologist was with Kidney Transplant. The same evening was my engagement.  I didn't want to miss the opportunity of being a part of Transplant unit and obviously had to attend my own engagement.  So I requested our Transplant Unit Professor to post me on the Donor's side which would get over early. Once the kidney is removed from the donor,it is bathed in special solutions to prepare it for transplant. In the meantime, in another operation theatre,the recepient side is prepared for the bed for new Kidney

Financial Empowerment

 Finance is the seventh sense in a Man. Many people earn living but only few achieve success.....Very few realise importance of FINANCE- in literal and practical sense. Theory and knowledge regarding Finance is available every where in print and digital media.  But very few make efforts in understanding Finance and follow financial management and strategies.  Finance.......just working hard day and night. Saving every penny......NO. This is not Finance.  By Definition, Finance means...apart from earning, it includes BUDGETING,INVESTING, BORROWING, TAXATION AND PERSONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT.  Majority of our curriculum in school teaches us Science, Arts, Mathematics and in name of Finance only Cost Price,Selling Price,Profit/ Loss,Stock balance. Since childhood, we are taught to develop skills and proficiency to EARNING MONEY.  BUT NOBODY......neither parents,nor curriculum teaches us above aspects of Finance..... Financial security or Financial Empowerment doesn't mean providing lo

The unexpected

 This blog and incidents I mention are true.Yes shocking at times.I have no intentions of accusing or defaming any body or any Group. Readers should instead concentrate on the important aspects I want to highlight.Dont debate out of content which is seen on most social medias.Sorry guys trollers this is not your platform.  I had been called for Hysterectomy or termination of Pregnancy in 20 weeks I.e 5 month pregnancy in a 15 year old girl....many many years back. Readers,let me inform you that termination of Pregnancy in minors ( Earlier it was 18 years below ...last 2 years it is 16 years below of age) and more than 16 weeks of gestational period without Anatoly or life threatening complications to mother or fetus...requires District Health official consent.It means it becomes a Medicolegal case. It involves police and government officials.  After completing all the legal formalities....we completed the procedure.  Apart from Legal problems, this girl had PIH( Pregnancy induced Hyper


 This blog has only my views and outlook towards life.Neither do I preach nor do I criticize nor have any intentions to hurt sentiments.  This Pandemic has shaken all of us...Physically, morally and mentally.  It has troubled us outwardly and brought turmoil internally.  Left us with uncertainty.  Many of us are now searching methods and paths towards calmness,tranquility and inner peace. Path to Nirvana. Inner Peace or Nirvana is not something that is obtained or purchased from outside. It lies within ourselves. We only have to search and seek within our own self. Inner peace can be attained if we are at peace and harmony within ourself and with our own self. Our thoughts and actions should be in synchronization.  Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise,or trouble or hard work. It means to be in midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. Spirituality doesn't remove us away from the world but it leads us deeper into it. You can never run behind sear