
Showing posts from July, 2022

Eye See......I see......

 Sight is the most beautiful gift of the Creator.  There have been numerous songs,poems,ghazals.....romantic,fun,sad,angry......on Eyes Only. Eyes convey so many emotions when words fail. One can read other person's feelings just through eyes.So many messages are communicated by glances and eye gestures.  Covid Pandemic made us all cover ourselves completely. Only part open but by a transparent shield were our Eyes.World recognized other person only by one's Eyes. At an age of youth......when the rest were trying to unravel mysteries of some beautiful Eye......getting lost in profound depth of each other's eyes......Yours Truly......during MBBS was unraveling mysterious Sclera and Cornea.I was pouring into some patients eyes finding Pallor for Anaemia....and Jaundice for High Bilirubin...... Later ,instead getting lost into some young handsome boy's beautiful Eyes.......I was flashing torches into an Old Babaji 's eyes trying to learn about Cataracts. As my medical

Do Hanson ka Joda

 A state when Orbicularis Oris gets Myoclonic initially followed by Juxtaposition.  Heart goes into Supraventricular Tachycardia followed by Premature Ventricular Contractions. Over riding of Dopamine.  Over surge of Oxytocin hormone flow.  Medical Description of LOVE.  Love is a beautiful feeling. Each one of us at some moment has developed feelings of love. Whether similar feelings have got reciprocated is different story altogether.  When I entered Sewagram, most romantic and never forgetting was seeing 2 people....Hanson ka Joda......sitting on a cosy (?) Stone ,totally immersed into each other, oblivious of the surrounding world. Ah! What a beautiful feeling 😍  MGIMS has history of many such inter ( between 2 different batches) and intra ( within the same batch) love pairs. The Intra Batch couple were lauded because they would be Pride Of That Particular Batch. In years to come, the batch would be remembered by their names. History would be narrated in their names to future gener

My Experience with Gandhian philosophy and Grass root.

 Dear Friends, from my previous blogs you all know that I am Alumnii of a rural based MGIMS, Sewagram.  What is being MGIMS ian? Why are we so proud of our Alma Mater? The fun and frolic I have mentioned in my previous blogs are experiences of every medical student at any generation and any place.But how is my college MGIMS, Sewagram different for which the Alumnii are respected worldwide...... Our beloved Behenji was Mahatma Gandhiji 's favorite daughter. Bapuji always wished for a hospital to be started in Sewagram for benefit of grassroots around. Badi Behenji fulfilled Bapuji 's wish and started Hospital,  in memory of Kasturba, there in Sewagram.  When she became Union Health Minister, under the aegis of Kasturba Health Society, a medical college in name of Gandhiji.... Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Sewagram came into being in 1969. Badi Behenji aporoached young Doctors of AIIMS, Delhi and also surrounding Sewagram ,Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh.She shared

My GuruDakshina.

 30 years back,July 1992,a 17yr old girl and her father got down early morning from Sewagram Express on Wardha Station. Both had no idea about that place and also the place where they were to go further.  The teen had secured admission to MBBS in MGIMS, Sewagram. The magnitude of the achievement and the grandeur of the Institute both father and daughter were ignorant as there was no " Doctor " in the family.  That teen was me.I was sad because of losing out on KEM medical college, Mumbai ( a dream of every Mumbaikar). I had stood 10th rank in All India enterance Maharashtra quota of MGIMS, Sewagram.  But was totally unaware of my proud achievement.  MGIMS, Sewagram was a rural based medical college run by Kasturba Health Society and started in 1969 by Badi Behenji Dr Sushila Nayar who was then Union Health Minister and aided by Central Government of India. I had mixed feelings on day of joining.  Excitement of becoming a Doctor but for first time staying away from family. The

Gastronomy of Karnataka

 Hi.I am a Mumbaikar by birth who has settled in Hubli,North Karnataka after marriage past 22 years.Owing my allegiance to Aamchi Mumbai,I love my Vada Pav and Pav Bhaji a lot...but being a foodie, have fallen in love with culinary delicacies of Karnataka.  The state of Karnataka is centrally placed in South of India.It is blessed with abundant flowing rivers ( Krishna,Tungabhadra, Cauvery),rich fertile soil and weather conditions suitable for Agriculture. It is surrounded by Maharashtra, Goa,Telangana,Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Hence,Cuisine of Karnataka is based on its variety of Agricultural produces and also influenced by neighboring states. Rice,Jowar,Sugarcane,Coconut,Millets,LentilsPulses,Fruits,Vegetables Roots.....a variety and in abundance is grown in different parts of Karnataka.  Every 30km,there is a city which has a unique different Kannada dialect and is proud of its own culinary specialty.  My blog has tried to cover only a few. Some I have tasted and some ar