
Showing posts from November, 2023

It's only Words

It's only Words....... -Dr Tripti Milind Galgali Hubli A famous song by Bee Gees. It's only words.... And words are all I have.... To take your heart away. Words are indeed very powerful. Words can inspire. Words can win hearts.words can mend broken hearts. But it is Words which can destroy. It is words which break relationships. It is words which have lead to Wars ....... Words are free. How you use the words is going to cost you. At times a Lifetime....... Once Marie Antoinette insensitively remarked when France was in a crisis of Famine...and Recession....." If they can't eat Bread....let them eat Cake." This provoked a Revolution in France and the angered public guillotined Marie Antoinette in public. But on the other hand Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose evoked a Revolution in youth of India under British Rule by the words" You give me Blood ....I will give you Free

Life is a journey

Life is a journey ....... Life is a puzzle....... Life is a challenge ....... In the end ... Life is beautiful. My blogs are mostly my views and based on decisions I made in my journey . My this blog is about highly skilled, highly qualified and ambitious people between 25 to 35 years of age......absolutely no gender discrimination here...... Both Male and Females...... Who have a Brilliant career in front of them...... And have to make choices of commitment of Marriage and Responsibility of Parenthood........ We are in that misconception that only Females have to make choices.... No.....even Males do have to make choices. In earlier days it was taken for granted.... But today with gender equality in Finance,Career,Relationships and Parenthood responsibilities...... Both genders are in dilemma regarding choices to make at this age...... A path taken today....will decide our future life tomorrow. It is this fear for commitment....misconception in society.....lac

Wind beneath the wings

Wind Beneath the Wings. Dr Tripti Milind Galgali. Hubli This blog is inspired by Legends who started an Enterprise and their Legendary work was expanded to even greater Heights by their Prodigal Successors for generations. One we all love and are proud of as Tata Group. First started by Sir Jamshetji in Mumbai.....and generations of successors expanded it.The most famous Sir JRD Tata my generation knows.....followed by Ratan Tata who expanded it world wide. In one interview, a well known personality commented" Only the kids coming from difficult backgrounds have the hunger and strive to work hard and succeed.The well off,affluent kids are lazy, and lack that motivation, urge and drive because they have everything in life without struggle. " Initially, this blog was designed on the above comment. My Money can buy my kid- Everything...... My Power can lay the road for my Kid. My reputation will bring success to my kid. But can I live the Life for my