Two sides of a coin

 The two sides of a Coin

The coin has 2 sides..Heads and Tails.

The Scalpel has 2 ends.It all depends upon who is holding it. 

I was posted in Trauma in BYL Nair Hospital. At around 6pm in evening mid week we received a 35yr old man,bleeding. His Clothes over lower part of body was drenched in Blood.

We got a point of entry at buutocks and point of exit at groin. A stab injury which had missed his Femoral artery in groin area otherwise he would have bled to death.

We infused lots of blood and saved the young man.

This man was a wealthy businessman in Mumbai.He was hounded by Mafia for extortion. He refused to pay and complained to police.

One evening, he was in a crowded Girgaum market with his wife.Suddenly he felt sharp pain in buttocks and in fraction of seconds his undergarments and Pyjama got soaked in blood. He got scared and was immediately brought to nearby Nair hospital in Taxi.

Dear Readers,I don't want to glorify Mafia.

But I was awestruck by the precision with which the Mafia works.

Mafia means Business. Mafia means Professionalism.

The Mafia trains people in similar fashion we Doctors get trained in our respective fields.

They teach youngsters to handle guns and knives with precision and skill to hurt, threaten or kill TARGET. 

The professional killer or sharpshooter has complete knowledge of different types of guns and knives.( We medicos are taught in Forensic Medicine).

He has knowledge of angle and degree of excision of his task, site of entry,Distance from Target etcetra so as to be Bang on Target in order to just Threaten or Scare Target or Paralyse Target or Kill Target on spot. Whatever Instructions given to him.The Task is called SUPARI and these professional guys are called SUPARI Killer. 

The SCALPEL in hands of surgeon saves Lives.But in wrong hands takes Lives.

The Gun in Hands of a Soldier is used to kill enemies and defend our Country. 

But the same Gun is used by Mafia for wrong purposes.


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