
Showing posts from November, 2022

Life's a Filter Coffee......

 Every morning I enjoy a cuppa hot Freshly brewed Filter Coffee.I brew previous day.The decoction is prepared by over night percolation .The aroma and taste of this pain stakingly prepared Filter Coffee remains fresh and Everlasting in my mind and tastebuds.  In Contrast to this my 2 minutes only Instant Coffee as per its name vanishes off in the same speed as its preparation   In Life, Success too is like my Cuppa Coffee. Success achieved through Instant Gratification through Short termed Goals is not well appreciated. It doesn't bring great thrill nor long term happiness.The taste of this Success doesn't last long forever.  In our pursuit for Instant Gratification, we get distracted, hasty ,unstable, unsteady and at times reckless.This recklessness at times becomes self destroying.We remain unfulfulfilled,unhappy and depressed.A lack of self discipline and narrow minded thinking creeps into our impatient mind.We fall into the trap of indulging in fleeting pleasures, a trap to

I am Ardha- Angini......

 I am Ardha Angini.... I am half a Woman.... The other Half is an Anaesthesiologist.  Though my soul is of a woman.... But my brain only thinks for saving a Life in Operation Theatres...... Yes,my Rotis are never round.. My Dal is imperfect..... My Sabzi may have missing salt....... But my Nerve Blocks are perfect to alleviate a Cancer patients excruciating pain. My Intubation is never failed to save a gasping patient. I never miss any diagnosis for guving good Anaesthesia to a critical patient..... Yes....I may not be at every small moment in my kids life.... I have missed the first step of my newborn..... But I have saved many a mother 's life so that she is able to enjoy with her newborn. Yes.....I have been late for my kids performances in school..... But never even a fraction late for a Fetal distress or Emmergency..... But my loved ones know that I will always be there for them through all good and bad phases of life..... Always a Rock they can lean on to when they are tired

POHA: Awesome Wholesome

 Poha......When Parboiled Rice is flattened....we get Poha. In order to cook  faster....usage of less water......this method of flatening the Rice was introduced.  Today,apart from Rice....we have a variety of Ragi Poha,Jowar Poha and other Millet varieties.  Most households in India make varieties of dishes from this quintessential Poha. Depending on the amount of Flatening....we have Thick,Medium,Thin,Nylon...  Poha variants. In Maharashtra and Karnataka where Poha is savored a lot....a gourmet recipes of this Humble Poha are available.  Kanda Poha, Batata Poha,Tomato Poha,Cucumber Poha,BiryaniPoha......depending on the veggies added to the Poha. In North Karnataka, Poha is also called " Avalakki". The South Indian households prepare Gojju Avalakki....Tamarind pulp and Jaggery is added to the Avalakki.  If Brinjals get added to this Gojju....we get Vangi Avalakki. Garnish the Poha/ Avalakki with Freshly grated coconut, corriander, Lemon juice and peanuts.......ah Heaven. Po

Life's a Marathon

 This year,November 20th,Hubli Fitness Club is organizing a Marathon-5k,10k and Half Marathon. This club was started by Fitness enthusiasts in Hubli.The members, you won't believe,are from age group 10yrs to 80+ yrs. I got initiated into running when introduced to this club by one of the Doctors in my hospital, a Radiologist by profession. The Club members train regularly and on LSOM( Last Sunday of every month) run long runs. By the way, friends,this blog is not about Fitness.  Initially, I started to run,my body was in total revolt. Rigid and reluctant.  In due course of regular runs,I realised one thing for Body was not cut for long runs. Forget a Full Marathon of 42 k,.....I gasped to complete a 10k. Did I stop running? NO. I realised that Life and it's journey is very similar to running a Marathon. When we get introduced to running, we are all excited with big dreams.Then gradually we realise the tenacity of the entire process. Our body protests.......but if w

The Sun beyond the Horizons

 If wishes were horses , every beggar would ride them" An old English proverb. I find this proverb very Gilded....of Edwardian Era......the royals looking down at the lesser privileged. We humans have feelings.Hence wishes,Aspirations,desires come in born naturally in us. At each passing age,the wishes and desires are different. Some realistic.....and at times unrealistic.  But who decides or differentiates  ....the real from the unreal......achievable from ..absolute unachievable........ Once as a 3yr old,I remember praying with all my heart aloud to Raghavendra Swamiji for a Compass Box.My innocent and sincere prayer touched the heart of a relative standing next to me.....and a Compass Box was gifted to me. As kids ,many of our innocent such wishes do come true.But as we age,our wishes,desires and Aspirations grow big as an Ocean......and Life becomes a Ship sailing towards Horizons........Endless and Unreachable. As a teen,I aspired to become a Doctor.  I wo