
Showing posts from October, 2023

Life and Lessons

Lessons of Life. -Dr Tripti Milind Galgali, Anaesthesiologist . Hubli. A Burnt child dreads Fire. Only a hungry man knows importance of Food. Heard these proverbs many times. One learns life's lessons only by one's mistakes. A difficult time teaches you importance of Life. Nowadays, every reality show gains TRPs by showcasing the obstacles a contestant has faced in his/ her life to reach today's platform. Documentaries and Magazine coverage focus on how much hardships and struggles a " Face " has endured to become that " Face". Dear Friends, does it mean that if you have not faced those struggles in life to reach a platform......Your Success has no meaning!!!!! Does being better privileged in life doesn't drive you to success????? Can't a person learn life's lessons without actually going through fire and get burnt????? I come from a middle class background of highly educated family. My parents worked really hard and gave goo

Reel/ Real

Modern Life of 21st century. Dr Tripti Milind Galgali. For almost 2 and half decade of my life I have lived in a Metropolitan city of Mumbai.Vashi had just evolved as a new suburb made by CIDCO .Later, many more suburbs developed and Navi Mumbai was the name given to the cluster of those suburbs. The Sector 7 H and J row I lived....had multilingual, multi culture families. As years passed, we got to know each other. Most families had both spouses working....the families became interdependent. So we all became Family. This was era of no WhatsApp, Twitter and Insta Thread. The communication between 2 human beings was Real and one to one. As years passed, many families disintegrated and moved away. The new generation which now lives there......very few have the familiarity and communication with each other. Yesterday, I had gone for a random shopping to a shop unknown to me. The shop owner started a conversation with me" Why are you purchasing these stuffs?" "


Tips for good Parenting - Dr Tripti Galgali. The day I realised how good as parents my Parents had been.......and I have been a difficult kid then........ I got kids who think how bad a mother their mom is.....and how grateful Myself shud be to hv such good kids......... You all might be expecting some great Parenting tips directly lifted from some book......or those who are in that age ..Been there, Done that.....may 🙄 their eyes. No....I started my Parenting in 2001....when my first kid- Son was born.I was ( A misconception later realised) fully equipped with Good Parenting knowledge. I made some trials and errors. In 2003....I so called corrected and refined myself as Mommy ...when my 2nd - Daughter was born.By now I was confident that I was 💯sure of my expertise and knowledge of Best Parent. But as a tree grows spreading my hair now grows kids taught me one important Enlightening truth..... There is nothing called Good or Bad Parenting.

Being MGIMS ian.

Today is October 2nd,2023. We celebrate 154th Birth Anniversary of Father of Nation,Mahatma Gandhiji. In 1992,I first read Mahatma Gandhiji 's Autobiography " My Experiments with Truth and Ahimsa".This book had to be read as there was a 100 marks paper Subjective in the enterance of a rural based Central Government affiliated,Medical College named Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences ( MGIMS),Sewagram run by Kasturba Health Society. The enterance was in Nagpur city in month of May. My first introduction to Gandhian principles. Then after joining this prestigious Medical school in Sewagram, I got to learn more about Gandhian philosophy as this college and its staff actually in reality followed Gandhian principles and philosophy. We were taught to work on Charkha and Takli. Khadi was worn for work on daily basis by every one in the Campus. Shramdan was done by Our Director Dr Sushila Nayar ji whenever she was in Sewagram.Every Friday all students, staff,faculty e