
Showing posts from December, 2023

Power of Democracy

The Power of Democracy. Abraham Lincoln defined Democracy as Government of the People,by the People, for the People. India was for so many years under Autocratic Rule....either under some King,Empire,or British Raj...... So for many years....India saw a major divide between the 2 classes. Then there was the class divide.... The King's son by virtue of inheritance became the King.....with a few exceptions. In any era, there used to be separate enterances for the privileged few.... So many places unheard and unseen.....unknown to the rest of the world. Only the privileged few would experience and enjoy...on the virtue of their Birth. They didn't have to earn to achieve them.No merit. Just Power and Inheritance. But after Independence,....Free India gained Democratic status....Sovereign,Secular,Socialist. The Merit,The Hard Work,The Education....was appreciated and advocated. India saw a yourh selling Tea.....a Chaiwallah ....become the Prime Minister of the count

Prodigal Love

Prodigal Love. Parenthood is beautiful and challenging. The thoughts in this blog are my personal views.I am not an expert.Dear Friends, you may not agree to my views. When our child enters this a Parent, we all want to give our kid the best of everything. We want to protect our kid from every single thing which will harm him / her. The difficulties or obstacles we faced ....the hurdles we crossed in our life journey......our Parental Love towards our kid doesn't want our kid to ever go through them ever. This Prodigal Love ...... I term it as " Prodigal "....... In Mahabharata, Dhritarashtra was blind.....a metaphor. The love for his son Duryodhan....made King Dhritarashtra turn a blind eye to all the unethical conducts especially the Dice game and Disrobing insult of Draupadi..... Duryodhan was wrong. But Prodigal Love by the" blind" King Dhritarashtra towards his son Duryodhan.....refused to correct the wrong doings his erred son commit

Mantra of Success

Mantra of Success.......A story. Dear Friends, let me share with you my journey to reach the most difficult journey of my life.In my life my biggest, toughest and longest struggle has been to maintain Weight......those Kgs. I have been ever on the opposite difficult end of the weighing scales. For me academic success has been easier than achieving that optimum body weight. Rigid exercises and Fad diets......I have done it all. Success and Weight are synonymous.....Pun intended. Some are born with that ideal Figures( Here too Pun intended) Some have to work hard towards achieving that Perfect Figures....... Some finally reach their targets after years of hard work....... But some are ever struggling to make it even closer near...the safer figures........ The last category is Me......the society has coined a depressive word " Loser". What is the Mantra for Success...... for anything in life????? My weight journey has taught me some important Mantra which I realis

The Bus.....

The Bus......have I missed it????? When we are in school....all of us are in the same Bus. In a sea of kids...wearing the same uniform,black shoes,white socks....tied up plaits with blue ribbons( or whatever color ).... it is very very difficult to identify an individual. We all study the same subjects,play the same games,have the same fights....and burst into peals of laughter together. Only when we leave school.....subjects,branches,careers and lives separate us into individuals. We then get an identity which is different from each other. In school, we are all at same level, same grade....but as soon as we leave school....grow old....we get divided by position, power and status. One day after many years,we all come back to re enter that same class.....but this time....we get compared and classified into Grades of " Success"..... The benches no longer remain same ......The peer pressure forces us to compare ourselves with each other. Many of us are fully excited

Gods Children

God's Children. -Dr. Tripti Milind Galgali. Hubli. When a human form is conceived ,it's a small bleb,a small dot like structure. Then as days of gestation period grows....the different aspects develop gradually and a fetus .....well formed,well differentiated and unique on its own transformed at end of gestational age. So even nature agrees that we all are same at's evolution which later differentiates individuals. Nobody is conceived as a particular caste,color,sex,religion, sect,....Intelligent/ non Intelligent........all are same.....just a dot. As we grow up.....differences dividing us into classes,stages,levels.....happen. So we are nothing but first God's Children.........later we become....X....Y.....Z. When nature doesn't differentiate us....treats all of us equally...... Then why do we humans....divide ourselves into different classes. Why can't we accept every one equally???? As an Anaesthesiologist who has g