Ishq Vishq Pyaar Vyaar

 I just saw a beautiful movie....96.

It starred Vijay Sethupati and Trisha .

Two people in love since their 10th std...but circumstances never get them together. 

I read Autobiography written by actor Saeed Jaffrey in which he has written about how he left his 1st wife and 2 kids for a stylish beautiful English lady  ..It was only later he realized true value of his 1st wife.

Love  ... Ishq.....Pyaar......

A beautiful feeling. 

But very few understand it.

The movie and the Autobiography.....both showed 2 people in love.

But differently. 

The movie showed simplicity of love.Love need not be expressed by materials, letters,flowers......writing with your blood.....

Love need notbe professed by dying for each other ....or taking each others life.....or anybody 's life.....

Love doesn't demand.

Love doesn't command.

Love never hurts the person in love or being loved.  .nor dies it harm 

Love doesn't expect ....

Love accepts you as you are.....

Love remains same even if you are not together. 

Love doesn't demand intimacy.  ....doesn't need prove its value.

Love doesn't ask you to change.

Or adjust or compromise  .....

Love doesn't degrade you ....

Love doesn't destroy you......nor does it distract you from yourself and your individuality......

Love doesn't ask you anything in return ....nor does it ask you to leave anything for it .......

Love is unconditional...

That's purity of love.

The rise in separation, divorces....breakups ...lack of commitment....hurt,Harm. ..betrayal, violence on rejection.....violence in relationship.....

Casual relationship, Casual sex,Livein,Depression, Anxiety,Suicides......

Youth today is all muddled up and confused.  .....

Essence of love is not being in a relationship of any kind only......

Just being verbal, physical, projections ....Memes,Reels,Instagram and Facebook declaration.....materialistic exchanges not Love.

Love doesn't mean conquering  ...

Love doesn't mean achieving.....

Love is respect, acceptance,unconditional......

You may not be together in the may not be lucky to get married and tell your vows in the end.....or  be together forever till the end .....

But True Love never dies.....

It stays with you forever as a sweet memory.......

Fresh .......ever.


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