
Showing posts from August, 2023

Key to Happiness

Key to Happiness????? By Dr Tripti Milind Galgali Anaesthesiologist Hubli In life,every body wants to be happy. Tell me one person who doesn't pursue " Happiness"????? Ever observed a child.We admire childhood and children for their Happiness and Innocence. Innocence makes them accept everything. They find everything novel and are curious about everything around them.Small pleasures bring lot if joy to them.Any disappointment, fall,rejection is short-lived. The child gets distracted from that episode easily and suddenly ficuses on other thing which brings into them a new excitement. As we grow, we become more concious about ourselves and our surroundings. This leads to comparisons, Aspirations and Competition And the Rat Race called circle of life..... Round and round we start reach no end point.......only to stop if we get tired....and again restart..... This circle of life ' s Rat race ends only if we quit...... Happiness..... I p

Grass is Greener????

Grass is green there????? Happy Independence day. India is celebrating 76th yr of Independence today...15th August 2023. Every where....our Tricolor flag is being hoisted,Selfies taken.....Har Ghar Tiranga. We all pledged our love and Patriotism to our dear Nation.....even Every Indian ....OCI,NRI,.....Other Nationalities born of Indian descendants....... But tomorrow it's going to Square One. The Lust For West......restarts. It's apalling to see number of people applying for migration to the west increasing Every Year. Initially few.....but today more than 30% youth skilled and unskilled both ...don't feel like residing in India. A survey conducted showed few job opportunities as main reason. Some highly skilled workers felt west provided better lifestyle,good quality of education and more remuneration to their skills and proficiency. Few went just because everyone is leaving the country. Is Grass really more Green there???? My Family has highly qualified, hi

Mirror, Mirror.....

Mirror, Mirror on the wall Who is the Fairest Of the all...... - Dr Tripti Galgali Anaesthesiologist, Hubli. We have heard this a kid so many times. Even in Ramayana,Lord Rama was handsome,perfect. Ravana was huge,multiple headed..... Manthara was hunched and disproportionate. Whether in Indian mythology or Western/ Eastern Fables..... The good are beautiful and perfect. The Evil is disproportionate, dark and... To Summarize " UGLY". As kids ,we relate to dark,short, fat,acne,disproportionate to be a be looked with hatred,disrespect..... The term " UGLY " brings so much negative emotions....... The world is defined only by its External Appearance. Right since childhood we are segregated or known by our External appearance....Golu,Chotu,Pinky,Gotya, Mati,Nati ..... What we are born with is not at all in our hands....... Then why does world attribute our existence on something we are not responsible for...... Wha

To the departed souls.....

A short blog An Emotional blog. In my Family,I share an emotional connection to many .....reason maybe because they have been part of my journey.....they have seen my dedication and hardwork towards my achievements since childhood.....or maybe I was first one to stay away from home in hostel for higher education......I have received loads of live,affection and utmost pampering from all....elders to young ones. Today,I write only on the departed souls who are no more ..... My Ajji Whatever I want to express about my Maternal Grandmother is less.She was a huge Ocean. Whatever person I am today.....owe entirely to my Ajji.A perfectionist,A TASK master,A very very strict Disciplinarian, Empathetic Philanthropist..Spiritualist...Secularist..very Very well educated....Endless...... My Aai My mother's eldest sister.She was my called her Aai. Aai fought for me.Motivated me when I was low.She taught me values of Family.....Responsibility of a Wife,Daughter in law,Mother....How to

What's in a Name

What's in a Name -Dr Tripti Galgali William Shakespeare 's famous dialogue in his play" Romeo &Juliet "..... What's in a name? A Rose will be a rose, giving the same fragrance even if you call it with some other name. My dear Father named me तृप्ति.....meaning Satisfaction. I was 2nd child and he was satisfied on my birth..... He loves Sanskrit.... So in English my name is spelt TRIPTI. India has 29 states.Each state has a specific dialect. I have no intention of belittling anyone. But each state my name got spelt and pronounced differently. In my home state Maharashtra....तृ is Tru not Tri ..... So I am Trupti. In my now some places....त isथ..... So Tripti....becomes Thripathi..... Then when Thripathi goes to a Call Centre based in UP..... Thripathi Galgali gets confused to Galgali becomes my name Tripathi becomes my surname. Down south, Tripti....has become Tirupati Thirupathi In Rajasthan/ Gujrat, I h