
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Games We Played

The Games we played before ........बचपन के खेल....... Reminisced by... Dr Tripti Milind Galgali ( 90s generation) Hubli. Each generation fondly reminisces the games played in childhood.The era before Technology and Gadgets....had rudimentary games. This blog,I want to share some games my generation played as kids...... I am sure many of you friends will surely relate with my this memory blog. The days were free-for-all playgrounds....and lots of space in front of houses.So obviously lots of varieties of outdoor games options were available those days. We were many kids of all ages....boys and girls...... Every day in the evening, all of us would gather and play group games. Yes.those were the weren't packed off to tuitions after school hours.....just few hobby classes...not a hectic schedule packed like today's young ones are burdened. Lagori was our favorite A pile of various sizes of stones would be stacked one above other in centre and 2 teams would b

Nothing lasts forever

Few days back,I drew a beautiful Rangoli in front of my house.I had spent lot of time making it.Lots of colors and lot of life into it.Whoever saw it appreciated. I was thrilled by its beauty and my efforts on it. I wanted the Rangoli to remain forever. 2 days later, early morning, the Rangoli was messed up by someone. It had to be swept off. I did get disheartened some moment. The next day, I again drew another Rangoli much more beautiful than previous. Dear ,Friends,in life nothing lasts forever. Nothing lasts forever.... Nothing remains with you forever...... Life happiness and sorrows... The Good times and the bad times.... The success and the Failures.... The excitement and the disheartening moments..... The near ones....The dear ones.... The loved ones or the hated enemies ........... Norhing and Nobody.... but what remains with us lies between the Hello and the GoodBye Dear Friends, life is unpredictable and short. Whenever, we are facing a difficult phase in our l

Mangalyam Thantunanenaa

Mangalyam Thantunanena I tie thus sacred thread around your neck ,OH,Maiden,....I promise to be with you,taking care of you,supporting you forever."...... The groom addresses the bride while he ties the Mangalyam or Mangalsutra around her neck. Then they take 7 rounds around the sacred fire ,promising to each other to be forever through all ups and downs,the happiness,joys and turbulence and differences,difficulties in the journey ahead together. That is the essence of Marriage ...... A union between 2 people and their families. Wedding is today a very special and a frivolous affair nowadays. Some Wedding budgets cross the annual Financial Budget of certain countries. The extravaganza and opulence goes absolutely overboard beyond imagination of me. The" Wedding Season" has started.I might have attended almost more than a Dozen of marriages in just 20 days. Covid Pandemic had brought certain regulatory orders on Wedding planning for couple of years. But post

2 Stories

2 Stories. This week I had an opportunity to view 2 different aspects of Youth stories. 2 completely different mindsets..... Story of 2 youths coming from very humble backgrounds. Both real or fictional....depends upon you ,my Readers. I saw 12 Fail movie on OTT. A young boy from rural UP ...fails 12 th boards because the entire exam centre got caught cheating. The story then depicts the struggles of this poor 12th Fail boy who gets inspired,motivated and supported by so many well wishers.....he works very hard, financially constrained,emotionally hurt,but confident he can achieve his goal of becoming a IPS officer.He fails in multiple atrempts....even in his last attempt because of his poor command over English language....hus ability and skills get questioned. But ultimately his sincerity and dedication helps him reach his goal in the end. He later becomes IPS officer and achieves his dreams of uplifting the rural youth. Here the movie highlights new trends in youth and socie

My Ajji

My Ajji-a biography. My mother's mother.....Late Smt Indira bai Prahladrao Navalgund. Her maiden name was different. Her siblings used to call her " Gundakka". It seems pre Independence days. ....infant mortality,and intrauterine death rates being high .....a fetus surviving to Infancy and beyond was at times difficult. My Ajji was the first born to her parents after many losses of pregnancy. So she was nicknamed " Gunda" meaning stone in vernacular ward off evil eye.Ajji has survived Plague 3 times in her growing up years. She was a Matriculate pass in pre Independence era....and knew to read and write English, Kannada and Marathi. She got married to Prahladrao who was a Revenue Collector. A very high and respectful post. Ajji very fondly recaled the different government bungalows they stayed in each posting ...the lavish many househelpers ...... How both husband and wife had made a ritual of having evenin

Silent Mentors

Silent Mentors. Mentor is a person whom you look upto in life.You follow that person's life journey, get inspired and motivated to do something similar. As kids,we all were taught to dollop great leaders Mahatma Gandhiji, Subhashchandra Bose.....Spiritual leaders like Sant Ramdas,Sant Dyaneshwar( me being from Maharashtra),..... Philanthropist like Jyotiba Phule,Savitribai Phule....and Shivaji Maharaj,the Great. In recent years,the trends have changed.The Gen Z is motivated by Bill Gates,Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone. I don't intend to demean or belittle their success and hard work.....absolutely not. Times have changed.Priorities have changed with needs of the century. This blog has no intention of preaching or advocating anything or anyone. Today's blog is about simple people I have met in my life ....from childhood to today....whose simplicity towards life per se has inspired and motivated me to be a better person every day. In my previous blogs, I have wri