
Showing posts from August, 2024

Miss to Mrs

  Miss to Mrs..... Tomorrow is my wedding day. Tomorrow I will turn from a Miss to Mrs. Tomorrow I will be daughter of my father....and also Wife of my husband. Tomorrow I will also be a Daughter in Law of another Family. Butterflies tonight..... Mixed reactions.... Excitement to start a new chapter in my Life...... Anxiety to shift to another home....a new place,a different State,a different language, a different environment. Emotional...... This is my last night in the place I was born....The State I took my education.... The language I conversed daily..... This house I spent my childhood.... This bed I would roll lazily.... My neighborhood I spent moments.... My friends I gossiped with..... My family ..... My Dad with whom I discussed freely..... My Mom with whom I argued and fought over so many things..... My brother with whom I learnt flying kites and caught butterflies..... So many questions in my mind..... My life will change overnight..... Will I  get my fa

Couple and Finance

 Couple and Finance. - Dr Tripti Milind Galgali, Hubli. I am not a Financial wizard .I believe in the Marathi saying " थेंबे थेंबे तळे साचे".... Every small drop saved forms an Ocean one day. My Financial advisor was my Father in Law.  My Finance Manager is my husband.  The difference between my mother's generation and mine is....we don't blindly just hand over our earnings and not ne bothered about Finance.  I read and understand the different savings and investment plans.Discuss with Milind and then he does the needful.  I am well aware of my Money. But my next generation is more smarter.  They make their own investments and manage their own Finances. Investment and Savings.... Investments help your money grow. Savings help you in Emmergency.  You must never put your apples in just one basket.... You must divide your money party in Savings....Partly in Investments.  Both are important to secure your future.  One need not be Tata,Birla or Ambani to make Investments. 

Nirbhaya and Abhaya

 Nirbhayas and Abhayas..... A decade back a young girl in Delhi was brutally assaulted,rated and murdered in Delhi.....Nirbhaya. Then came the Hyderabad incident, where a Young Veterinary Doctor was raped and burnt alive. Recently, a young lady Doctor was tortured,battered,rated and murdered in a Kolkata government hospital while on duty. Social Media outraged....Nirbhaya1, Nirbhaya 2,Abhaya..... We name them with so many names.... Hold Candle March.... Protest....Demand Justice.  In India,statistics say every 16minutes a Female is raped....irrespective of age.... A toddler to a Geriatric ...... All Females....get molested.... This statistics is reported ones and official...... But there are so many unreported...... Unheard and Undocumented....... Teacing our Girls to protect themselves..... "Draupadi today no Govind is going to come to your rescue...... You have to protect yourself..... There are few Govind in our Patriachal society......?????? Historical times till date..... A

Independence Day

 I want my Freedom...... I am Bharati.... I am 77 yrs free from British Rule today.... Every one is celebrating my Independence today..... Am I really Free???? Am I really Independent of everyone and everything????? I was a Sita once....who suffered due to a Man's Ego and Power. I had to become a Kali to end the Tyranny and Violence of An Asura..... I was a Nirbhaya who became a victim of Lust and backward mindsets..... I became a Hapless Lady Doctor who got brutally assaulted and murdered when alone....... I don't want people to pray me.... I don't want your protection.... I don't want you to put me on a high pedestal...... I don't want you to treat me as an " Object" of Desire or Worship or Possession.  I want to be own entity.... I want Equality- ---- ,to exist,to educate,to work,to practice, to pray,to move around----- To Survive...... I dont want to be killed because of my gender,my honor,my thoughts, my actions

Depression in Medical Students

 " Depression in Medical students ". " Sir,please give permission to go home.".... Biochemistry practical was going on. I went to my Biochemistry HOD who was sitting there in the Practical Hall.....and asked permission to leave. He signed ..... I left.He turned to my batchmate " Where is her home?" My bewildered batchmate replied " 16hrs train journey overnight." My HOD got shocked....... I had left home for further studies first time. Hostel life first time. Different place,tough climate,.....bad food,ragging period....... But more than all these problems....what used to trigger the sudden unexpected urge of running away was the adjustment to the tough curriculum of MBBS.  Recently, social media is a buzz with mental health, stress ,depression amongst Medical students.  Shocked to hear Medical students- Doctors who would be saving lives of millions tomorrow- we're taking a major step of ending their own lives- Committing Suicide....... What

Life is A THALI

 Life is a Thali. Life is that big Thali..... Family is the main ingredient- Rice Dal/ Roti Sabzi...... Must for energy.... Needed for strength..... To drive us,move us,lift us....... Friends are like Pickle.....or Chutney..... To spice our add zeal in our life.... No Thali is complete if you don't have Pickles and Chutneys...... A sweet dish is like Good moments of Life... Coming occasionally..... Always the surprise in our Thali...... Either savor it before or leave it at the tastes divine...and leave beautiful memories ever....... Colleagues and Acquaintances are the fried savories in the Thali.....the costlier the Thali.....the more the Fried Savories...... A Thali always has a bitter preparation added to it..... The bitter preparation kicks the taste buds to salivate and improve digestion...... In life.....our bad moments are the bitter preparation......they trigger us to perform better....... Childhood is that salt.....with lemon..... Children and Gran