
Showing posts from March, 2021

Omen or Amen

 Superstitions and Beliefs are two sides of a coin.A Strong belief could be labeled as Superstition and vice versa. A very debatable topic edging towards Fanaticism and Radicalism.  Perception of each matters. It is irrespective of Education,Knowledge, Wealth,Status,Upbringing. Society does play a major role. I am a Science student. I reason everything Scientifically. I do strongly believe of limitation of Science.and that there is a Super Power above us which decides the path of my life.what we all term as Destiny and Serendipity ....... But we need to draw that line between Facts and Fictions. I was called for an Emmergency Csection.The indication being Distress of Fetus(Meconium). The Obstetrician had informed the patient and her relatives the gravity of situation for mother and baby's life.But however educated,rich,affluent they were,.....consent for surgery was not given.Reason being Horoscope. The stars for childbirth astrologically were not favorable for the baby. I was aske

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

 The Hand that Rocks the Cradle I have been practicing Anaesthesia for quite some period.The department which I find most challenging is Obstetrics department because two lives matter....Mother and her baby.  During pregnancy, the young mother to be...faces many changes in her body....shape,size,hormones,Neurological, Physical, Psychological  .The whole path of Pregnancy is surreal and overwhelming.  In this blog,I am not delving into technicalities of Pregnancy and childbirth. What is the purpose behind this blog? Recently,one of a reputed hospital was in social media for wrong news.  A young girl who had a safe non complicated pregnancy, and a safe normal delivery ,experienced severe bleeding after few hours of delivery. The whole Obstetrics team of the hospital tried very hard to stop the bleeding and help the uterus to contract. But situation got out of hand.Things complicated a lot and the young patient succumbed to post pregnancy complications, medical term is Post Partum Haemorr

The Mind ,its set ,its mentality

 Women's Day is over.It was celebrated with great fervor. All shops ,showrooms,Malls,Hospitals,Hotels, Websites.....were filled with discounts, balloons,gifts for women.Cards,Gifts,Eateries...all had Messages,Slogans on Women Power.  Period.Next day that Women Power is brought to being a DoorMat.  That is harsh Reality check. I had gone to a Showroom to look out for a High end Sedan for myself. Initially, I was discouraged from buying that car.Madam,its too big for you. Why don't you go for a smaller, cheaper car. As it is you will be driving in city that too rarely.

The Silent Spectator

 This life is a big open stage.We are mere puppets enacting to every situation which we face. This is a famous dialogue by Rajesh Khanna in movie" Anand" When I was a kid,I was thrilled listening to this dialogue.  But I realised its true meaning only after reaching adulthood.  We all are puppets reacting to different situations differently.  But do you know when we are enacting our parts on this huge stage.....who are the silent spectators...they are our kids. Whichever situations however we may the background are our kids who have been silently watching our every move. When we will be sitting on the sofa watching our favorite cricket match....but we will blatantly lie on phone to someone on the other end that we are stuck in heavy traffic. When we keep buying aimlessly and endlessly things even if we don't need it. When we will be abusing, insulting, defaming someone for reason or no reason. When we are cheating someone. When we are stealing something which

My Rural Experiences

 My Rural experience.  In my earlier blog I have mentioned about my Medical college and my Class.  MGIMS, Sewagram is a Rural based Medical school. Those days Sewagram was Medical college, its Doctors and a few villages close by. The nearest town was Wardha which was around 20-30km from Sewagram.  Also each batch had a adopted village.We had to stay in that village for 1 month and then in later years, monthly once visit.  Village exposure was a lifetime experience both surreal and overwhelming for a Mumbai metro city girls like me and my friends.  Most of us had never seen a village . Only in movies, we had seen rural India.  Lush green fields, Thatched roofed huts,Rivers, Cows, Buffaloes, Goats, Bullock carts. Bathing in rivers, Sleeping on Machans, Relieving ourselves in open fields....all was challenging for us. I had seen milk being drawn from Buffaloes and goats for first time. In Mumbai, milk was always supplied at home in packets.  Plucking oranges and Guavas from Orchards and e

Family and Relationships

 Hello Friends.I am Dr Tripti Galgali.I work in Dr Galgali Shushrusha Nursing home, Deshpande nagar, Hubli. This Institute was started by my Father in Law, Dr Vasant Galgali  50 years back.Initially it was run as solely an Obstetrics hospital. Then 20 years back my Husband Dr Milind Galgali joined the Institute and added Ophthalmology department to the Nursing home. In subsequent years many Doctors joined from various departments of medical field. Today the nursing home for Obstetrics has become Dr Galgali Shushrusha Multi Speciality Hospital having many departments, Specialists, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Scan Centre etc.Today,my Father in Law has retired.My Husband handles responsibility of the Institute.  How many of you are interested in Group Sports?Any Group sports ike Cricket,football has skilled players who make a team.They are under a Captain. Who with the help of Manager handles the whole team. Friends, you may be wondering.....Have I gone off track? What is relation between my In

मुंबई to ಹುಬ್ಬಳ್ಳಿಯಿ

 मुंबई to ಹುಬ್ಬಳ್ಳಿ Mumbai to Hubli.  I am a Mumbaikar. I am born and brought up in Mumbai.I speak the typical Mumbaikar lingo of Mereko and Tereko kya karna......I love my Vada Pav and Pav Bhaji double makkhan marke........ After I completed my Post graduation in Anaesthesiology from BYLNair,Topiwala National College, Mumbai in 1999,my parents wanted me to meet an Ophthalmologist based in Hubli ( Now Hubballi) in North of Karnataka state. I was first " OMG, where is this Hubli?" I had visited Bengaluru and Mysuru as a tourist only.We don't have many relatives in Karnataka.  So,going through the Biodata and photo of the prospective boy, I was keen to know more about Hubli. In Nair,I had few friends who had done their MBBS from they were my sole educators of this city. Their intercepts...... " Hubli is a small village. How will a Mumbai girl like you survive there. Also no Toilets in most houses. They have pits out side their house.and Pigs are natural scaven

Be an Elephant.

Be an Elephant. My teen daughter, preparing for  NEET exams,was going through anxiety during last few 3 months of the most important medical entrance exam. Are you serious, Mom?You want me to be a dumb,huge,weird animal at this juncture. She was aghast at my advice. Yes. Be an Elephant is my advice to all teens between 16 to 18years of age. This phase is very challenging physically and professionally in every person's life especially in India.  Physical changes due to hormones cause many embarrassing moments in both boys and girls.  Breaking up of voice,hair all over body.Suddenly the cute chocolate hero of the class faces weird voice changes, acne and beard, moustache ,and now looks just like gorilla. The teen girl faces body changes,acne all over her face,mood swings, outburst of anger followed by loud howls... It is a phase...where a child's mind is fitted into an Adult body.  Was this not enough? There is sudden added pressure of studies. Especially in India.12 th boards ar

I am every WOMAN.

 International Women 's Day is celebrated every year on March8.This Day Women all over the world meet to discuss about women empowerment and Equal Rights. India has a rich varied heritage. We have had many strong women in every decade. Rani Chennamma,Rani Laxmibai, Ahilyabai Holkar,Anandibai,Captain Laxmi,Sarojinidevi Naidu,Indira Gandhi,Nimala Seetharam to name a few.When our culture prays Women in form of GoddessLaxmi,Durga,Saraswati....then in real life, Why don't women get respect in our Country? Why do we see Female feticide,gender discrimination,indifference towards females, dowry deaths, molestation, assault? Why do girls have to fight for a secured and decent life?Why to fight for Equal right to Education,Work,Pay,Pray and Peace? Inspite of years of Independence and so much advancement in Human race,why the indifference and Gender Gap? Why is our mindset still stuck to backward and oppressive views and mentality towards Women? Why are Women even today called Weaker Sex,

The Power Above Us.

 Destiny, Faith and Serendipity. The begining of wisdom is the wisdom of Supernatural power.  It is the begining of belief in Destiny, Faith and Serendipity.  Acceptance of your Destiny with total Faith in Almighty and at the same time eagerly seeking Serendipity.  As we grow, we eagerly await miracles to happen. We pray to the Almighty with Faith and Hope for the miracles to come. And by dawn we accept with open heart whatever the Almighty has planned in our Destiny.  I have been since a kid been spiritual. I have always felt that we need to work very hard but in the end it's always Almighty 's verdict.  Karmanya Vadhikarahasye maa falishu kadachanaha.  After I became Anaesthesiologist and later my Pain practice lead me to further strong belief in a Supernatural force. This force writes and guides our Destiny.  How much ever technology is advanced....yet we can't predict exact time of human birth and death.  How much ever with help of Science we manipulate our life,we can&