
Showing posts from April, 2024


 Anxiety..... I got a 40yr old lady for consultation regarding shoulder pain in my Pain Clinic. After examination, prescribed her pain killers. She felt better but returned back after a month again..... So after just a casual conversation, she revealed that she had habit of sweeping and moping her huge verandah. I prescribed some muscle relaxants and adjuvant. Next consultation, she was accompanied by her husband.  The Man...made personal commitments on my looks...which almost edged to flirting .Then audacious addresses his embarassed wife" Look at yourself and compare with this Doctor. She is so fit and confident. "...... Most times,we Doctors, have to treat the person more than their disease....especially when I am treating Chronic Pain. The cause of Pain in my patient.....on Face value was her Chronic Shoulder pain due to excess movement..... But root cause was Anxiety due to constant pressure by her Spouse....the constant comparison.....the constant expectations....... An

I am Mamata

 I am Mamata..... I am Nurturer I am Woman...... Since childhood, every girl is imbibed into herself.....that nature has given her the inborn Gift to Love,To Nurture. Nurturing comes naturally into us Women...... To care....with love and affection.  To care for parents....After Marriage, to care for husband and inlaws..... After Motherhood,.....caring for kids..... I due course of time,we take our Role as Nurturer so so seriously....... That all our existence and purpose of existence becomes Nurturing  ......... Our personal idividuality,..... Our personal space..... Individual Thought process..... Our passions..... Career.....Hobbies....... All get either Deleted.... Erased.....or given Back seat....... Especially Motherhood is given Priority No.1....... Even if we do pursue a career,a passion,a hobby....which demand some percentage of our personal done with a tinge of guilt. This Guilt of being selfish is more in percentage in Highly skilled, Highly educated and Affluen

My Tea Cup

My Tea Cup By - Dr Tripti Milind Galgali Hubli. I purchased 2 sets of Tea Cups. One set was simple,plain,no frivolity.....sturdy and best bone china. The other set was dainty,attractive and had exquisite patterns....very attractive....Actually I fell in love with this set.....and wanted to show it to all guests who visited me.....My priced Possession. I went home..... Poured hot boiling water into both sets of tea cups...... Loh Behold!!!!! My priced Possession cracked under pressure of hot boiling water...... But the simple, plain but sturdy ones were ready to serve Tea to my Guests waiting....... Dear Friends....... How much we get influenced by outward appearance of anything and anybody...... We either get carried way....or we ignore or overlook...... Another aspect....this incident taught if basic foundation is strong.....only then can it sustain trying times or stress..... 2 points,I would like to talk in this blog...... In walk of life....we

My Basket of Apples

My Basket of Apples..... I plucked apples rosy,juicy apples.Priceless .I took great tender care looking after them. I protected them well. Suddenly I became busy for few days ....and forgot to keep an eye on them...... Some evil mind stealthily put a rotten apple in my basket..... I checked onto my Priced Apples..... They got rotten spoilt. As parents, we take utmost care of our kids with tender love and great affection. We keep them protected from external forces..... We try to teach them values.... But someday......they have to come to contact with outside world..... We as parents do make utmost efforts keep a vigilant eye.....and monitor them. Unfortunately, it does happen that they get into unhealthy company......or people of not good influence....... Especially the age of Adolescence and Youth...... A vulnerable age...... Drinking, Smoking, Drugs,Betting,Love, romance, casual sex,unhealthy habits, digital endless list of distraction....

How much is enough

How much love is must?????? A 16yr old boy was brought into Operation theatre for Debridement of Ulcer on foot. This healed after few days. 2 months later,he came again with a similar ulcer over other foot. Likewise,every few months similar Ulcers were seen over different areas of legs. All tests were conducted but no diagnosis for cause of Ulcers could be found. A year or so.....this same boy landed up in Emmergency with slit of wrist. So this time, he got referred to a Psychiatrist. A couple sessions revealed a horrific surreal narrative. The boy used to inject into his skin over foot and legs himself ...." Liquid Mosquito Repellent "...... That was the cause of the Ulcers over Foot and Legs.. ..... Why?????? Each time the issue was Anger,Attention, Revenge,Threaten,Scare......whatever. This kid was born weak.Hence,the parents were over protective for him.Every demand of his used to be met.Every word of his was followed. As he grew up......his Aggre

So Shallow So Deep

So Shallow So Deep. I was reading a book written by Sudha Murthy....she narrates an incident where she had gone to offer condolences to a neighbor whose octogenarian family member had expired. The whole scene was totally different from what she expected so much so that left her wondering " Have I come to the right address?" TV set was and some family members were watching....enjoying...there was laughter....ladies engrossed in their daily hustle bustle...... I too was witness to a similar funeral of an Octagenarian..... The rituals were performed under a Lady priest.The entire program was concise to just 1 hour or so.Mantras read in Sanskrit and translated in English for everyone to understand. The youth had also attended. today's Gen Z is disinterested in our traditions. After the Rituals..... The younger generation clicked pics to post on Insta Updates" # Cousins at Ajja's last journey"...... The Entire family got the

Peer Pressure

Peer Pressure. A Professor tried to commit suicide.He was brought into Operation theatre for Electroconvulsive Therapy and counseling. I being the Anaesthesiologist was part of this treatment for few sessions.....and his treatment which went on for few days..... A strong dominating personality had been severely heartbroken and was simply inconsolable. " Where did I go wrong?????" He would just burst into tears.....crying continuously each session. This Professor had a daughter who he loved very much. His Apple of the eye.Her every wish was fulfilled. The daughter too loved her Father and was very studious and sincere.Did every thing to make her Father proud. After her 12th Std,she approached her Father requesting him to allow her to study in bigger city away from their Tier 3 mofussil town. Dear Father tried to talk to her about pressures of big cities at such young age. " Dear Daughter,complete your degree in our town ...and then at a matured age pursue your

I am in the Middle

I am in the Middle Today I was doing my regular Morning walk in the big Cricket Ground nearby my home.Summer vacation have started here.Every year the Summer Cricket coaching Camp has started. I have been a regular in this Cricket Ground for many years. Earlier, just few girls...handful mostly daughters if sports persons were seen attending the Camp. This year,.....I saw many girls enroll. Just a thought...... Nowadays, many girls belonging to Middle class Families of 3 Tier cities are being supported by parents in field of Sports. Pre Independence and few years Post Independence.....only rich affluent class girls used to be seen pursuing education in professional courses. But as economy and Globalization improved......Middle class and low economic class girls started to break the glass ceiling. Past decade,Saint Nehwal, PV Sindhu,Mithila Raj,Smriti Mandana.....similar girls coming from Middle class homes and Tier 3 cities.....are making sports popular in young girls. The