
Showing posts from July, 2024

Life is Anaesthesia

 Life is Anaesthesia...... Life is Anaesthesia...... As the age increases.....just like grades if Anaesthesia the responsibilities of life work on you. Initially everything is exciting ,then you become agitated with 50s and resign to Life.....and it becomes monotonous.......and finally you become comatose. Love is Anaesthetic drug.....when you are young become ecstatic like Ketamine.....butterflies in stomach ...and dizzy in head.....tachycardia in heart..... Marriage is like Propofol. Initially it's like floating clouds.....mesmerizing feeling..... But as the action sets become controlled....... Workplace is like any Local Anaesthetic are confident with the hope of stability......ah! No complications of General stress if are awake......and talking. .... But once the numbness sets till the action wears are stuck at one place...... Just li

Dear Daughter

  Dear Daughter. A letter to all daughters from Mothers. The minute I held you in my arms.... I could see my reflection look back at me. The day you first smiled....I saw myself smile back ..... Your first step, your words, your first day of school.....your all first.......saw  part of myself in you....... And at same time.....a different person moulding.......having her own style and individuality. A person though similar to me.....but so much dissimilar to me....... Dear Daughter..... I don't expect you to be Me.... Nor do I want you to follow my footsteps..... I neither want you to follow someone else...... Neither do I want you to be like Jhansi Laxmibai.....or Indira Gandhi...... I want you to be You.....only You. Develop your own self...... I want you to be strong......confident..... But don't become weak if you fall or fail or cry when hurt. I want you to follow your path......but it's not necessary that the path needs to be straight......

Wedding Trends

 Wedding Trends...... Weddings are a big event in our Indian culture.  Rituals, traditions.....Wedding preparation start months before.... Each community has its own customs..... But the galore and festivities are magnanimous in their own way..... All members...near and distant.....friends....neighbors....acquaintances.......workers.....helpers.....all get excited...invited.....and everyone participates with enthusiasm...... Whichever may be the Era...... Ancient civilization.....Dynasty period.....BC period....... Ramayana and Mahabharata era..... There is vivid and detailed description of the Wedding preparation and Rituals..,.... Preindependence day....Maharajas carrying out processions....massive crowd.....Grand wedding ceremonies....High profile guests and dignitaries globally attending...... Till our current 21st century....the Ambani Weddings of their 3 kids...... Opulent,Splendour and Overtly Magnanimous....... Wedding trends change with generations..... Whatever maybe your bud

Mother- First Guru

  Mother- A child's first Guru. Today is Guru Pournima. A child 's first Guru is the Mother. When Shivaji Maharaj was young....his mother Jijabai became his first Guru...she taught him sword fighting, instilled values by narrating stories from Ramayana and Mahabharata....Jijabai sowed the seeds of Swaraj and Maratha Empire.....into Shivaji Maharaj. Then handed little Shivaji to be further trained by Dadaji Kondev. Abhimanyu in utero would listen to his mother Subhadra....who taught him War formations.... Chakravyuh Naman to all Mothers- First Guru in life of a child....on occasion of Guru Pournima. Today women are taking up multiple reponsibilities, roles and professions. A woman when enters Motherhood.....has to face lot of challenges and struggles..... Managing work front.....and also Motherhood...... It takes a village to raise a child. And if you add professional responsibilities to this...... Every moment you are walking a Tight rope .....juggling many responsibi

Agnee- Path

  Agnee-path Agnee = Fire Path- in English means Way....Road. Feiry Way....... Do you remember of village melas...festival fairs..... A man would blow fire.... Walk over hot charcoal fire...... As a kid all this would be exciting to see...... I would wonder.... Can I too try these stunts???? Childhood is full of innocence and simple life Small things give immense joy. As we grow.....Expectations increase. When reality doesn't meet the demands of ever expecting mind....... We start blowing out fire.... Path we tread....feels like Hot Charcoal...... Ambition is good for growth. But an impatient mind.......wants that growth to be fast...... Expectations race ahead..... Reality lags behind...... Peer Pressure adds fuel to the developing frustration...... Social Media makes us Cynical...... Is Social Network bad???? No.Technology and Digitalisation has made life easy. Social Media has made communication easy. Globe has shrunk.Anything ,Everything....Anyone....Ever


 The Y2K generation.  Y2K.... the new year sent everyone globally in a frenzy. Some found it savvy....hence many got married, many delivered......that new year.....millenial progeny. But what set the Computer world.....all data had to be reset..... The Entire documenting back office became very busy. The Y2K generation became Tech dependent...... Everything became available......yes A to Z.....Everything, Everyone, Anything,Anyone......the whole Millenium got controlled by the Click of the index ☝️ finger....... A single Click......and instantly " Viola"..... you get the world at your doorstep and at your behest......right in front of you. Life became easier.... Things moved superfast..... Life pace also sprinted faster than Hyena..... But....... Yes....but it added " Impatience"...... Everyone got used to Instant Gratification..... Dear Friends..... Artificial the end is controlled by the Human Brain..... It's natural for

How too much?????

  How much Too much????? I happened to visit my Paediatrician friend. An IAS officer brought her 2 month baby for check up.The baby was crying while passing urine.Urine tests and culture showed no infection. The concerned Mother showed a methodically maintained book on number of times the 2 month was breastfed,pooped, burped,passed motion,flatulence..body temperature..etc etc....We were surprised by minute details noted every moment of the newborn by the apprehensive but diligent new Mom. Now we come to the part .....How too much???? To maintain asepsis....the overtly careful mom.....had wiped the private parts of the baby ...each time it passed urine or motion.....with concentrated hospital Savalon antiseptic solution...... This resulted in inflammation of the baby's soft mucosa over private parts.....making every passing of urine agonizing and burning....... Today,we have Apps and gadgets....Technology and information.....which help us monitor and modify ou

Family Adoption Program

 Family Adoption Program.  This Program was followed in MGIMS, Sewagram It was the pet project of our beloved Director.. Behenji.... Dr Sushila Nayar Madam. Our 1992 batch was assigned Suklibai village. We were fortunate to be given this village as it had been initially adopted by a batch years ago.Hence,the village was oriented to MGIMS and it's Programs. Also the medical students who would be visiting them.  We therefore,got full support of the village ,Suklibai.  Some batches who were assigned a new village did have some difficulties as the village wasn't co operative.  The first year ,we students had to stay in the village itself for 21 days.Later,we would visit once a month for rest of the MBBS duration.  This village had a big Temple and a river flowing beside it. We girls were put up in a dormitory. Boys elsewhere. We had been given mattresses to sleep on the floor with common Washroom   I have heard of some batches sleeping in makeshift sleeping arrangements in cowshed

Perils of Nuclear Family

  The Perils of Nuclear Family. A young newly married girl ,23-24 yrs of age came into Casualty with severe bleeding and abdominal pain. We recorded a very low Blood pressure and she looked very pale.Ultrasound revealed Ectopic pregnancy with expelling products and blood in Pouch of Douglas.She required immediate Surgery and Blood transfusion. But she had no accompanying person with her.The kind neighbor who brought her to Hospital went back to her work. The patient 's husband was outstation for a day due to job.She and her husband were alone here and their families were in Bihar. Nowadays, we don't do even Emmergency procedures without attender accompanying patient. Mr X ,a 75 yr old man,was brought into Casualty in unconscious state by kind neighbors. They admitted him in the hospital and left.The entire stay in hospital, nobody visited Mr X.His both kids were abroad His wife had passed away.His relatives stayed in another state. These instances I  am seeing very very of

Right to Choose

  Right to choose. Sri Sri says.... "Life gives you choices.How your life goes....depends upon your choices.Choose Happiness always." We have the right to make our own choices in Life. Life throws challenges..... Where we take our Life .....the path depends upon the choices we make during those challenges and circumstances. In 12th boards ,my marks fell a bit short to secure medical seat in my hometown Mumbai.Except for the topmost medical colleges in Mumbai.....I had secured admission to all branches of Science and that too in Premier Institutions. But I wanted to pursue only Medicine and in Premier Institution of India.So When I got call from MGIMS, Sewagram.....a rural setup.....with life and environment totally different from Mumbai.....I decided to leave Mumbai and the comforts of home.... The choice was To become a Good Doctor. Was life comfortable for 5 and half years in Sewagram???? Absolutely not.Life and lifestyle was both challenging. It needed lots of adj