
Showing posts from May, 2024

Unpredictability- Thy name is Hubli Weather

  Maya- Hubli weather She is sun She is rain She is Fire She is Ice.... She is Maya She is unpredictable..... She is Hubli Weather.... Nowadays...... In Mythology, there were Asuras.....who would play tricks.....blowing wind,fire....bursting rains....clouds.....suddenly........creating havoc in lives....and disturb mankind. ....... Past few days ...Hubli weather is behaving like these Unpredictable Mayavi Asuras...... The temperature shooting up to scorching 48deg .... Making life difficult for humans ,animals and plants ..... Heatstroke and Perishing of plants..... Suddenly, the winds become strong....felling trees,roofs flying, ...mudstorm..... All of sudden....rains start lashing.....hailstorm damages life and property....flooding every where comes to a halt.....and temperatures drop to 18deg....... As we start enjoying a pleasant weather with cool breeze ..... After few days .....we are back to scorching 48degrees....... This unpredictability of Mother N

Pi Gi Mi

 Woh kagaz ki kashti Woh baarish ka paani  .... Mujhe lautado..... Meri bachpan ki kahaani..... Take away my wealth  .. Take away my everything..... But return back my childhood...... And my Childhood Friends......... In 1977,my parents came to Vashi,Navi Mumbai, Sector 7...... A newly developed suburb..... Along with us ....many people migrated from Greater Bombay and this new township developed by CIDCO. I was a 2yr old..... There was a family- Shembde family. Ajji,Ajoba,3 sons,3 daughters....their children...... Ginni was my age... Minni was a yr younger. We trio hit on very well from Day 1..... We joined the same school..... We played together...... We became so connected..... Everyone used to take our name in same breath.... Ginni,Minni,Pinky...... Pi Gi MI....... Most of the day...I would be in the Shembde house..... I remember...once...I was not to be found.My parents and Shembde family searched everywhere except.... I was sleeping in the room on 1st Floor of


  Mama Mamahood.... Pregnancy and Motherhood are two boons given to Women by the Almighty. Both phases are considered " Rebirth" of a Woman. A woman suddenly glows with love,Nurturing,affection...... Maya becomes Mamta....... Actually yes. A svelte sexy " Maya"......bloats up into a heavy,irritable Mamta...... I know....this sentence is definitely attracting infinite trolls from all. Movies and social media portrays a " Glorified" image of Pregnancy and Motherhood. A woman looking all glowing and beautiful once she becomes pregnant.... A mother connecting immediately with her child right from her womb and vice versa.... Each one instantly connecting with the other by a heartbeat..... The mother full of love and affection....all sacrificing....wiping her tears and her kid's with the pallu of her saree......embracing..... Yes....thus picture looks very mesmerizing.... Very similar to current Marketing Gurus ...trying to sell their products.

Jaadu ki Jhappi

 Jaadu ki Jhappi..... Munnabhai MBBS made that hug of love very famous. Mata Amrita was called " The Hugging Amma". When we meet someone close, someone dear after a long long time..... When we are very very happy.... When we are v sad.... When we r heartbroken... When we feel depressed.... When we feel on Top of the world.... When we have achieved the inevitable...... When we gain something.... When we lose everything....... And...... When we are just we....lonely...... When nothing has happened........ Each one needs a Warm Hug....... A simple Hug....out of love ❤️....... It does wonders..... It soothes ... It calms.... It shares.... It vibrates...... It consoles..... It give pure joy...... When did you last Hug ..... your parents.... your friend....your spouse.......your kid.....your depressed colleague.....your hard working staff...... Any person in need of a consoling Hug.......

Heartline- ECG

 ECG- Monitor which helps Anaesthesiologist in monitoring heart of patient. A very essential gadget for proper and safe administration of Anaesthesia. Also monitoring of heart in Intensive Care Unit. For a working woman,the ECG which help her run her home,kids,and her Heartline....very important for her her Househelp. You realise the true value of another human being in your life.....after you get married.....and even more when you become a Mother. Managing your home,taking care of your baby.....and dedicated service to ur workplace......all alone for a Woman is absolutely stressful,strenuous if walking through a tight rope.  Everyday is like performing a balancing act as a Trapeze Artist. The Househelp ,especially when the kids are dependent upon a caretaker that partner who helps the Trapeze Artist take that " Leap Of Faith" confidently. The Househelp is that person who herself is in a similar situation and understands

Moulding of my clay

 Moulding of my Clay....... This week I got to read 2 Headlines.  One about a Post graduation pursuing student in a Medical college, a 25 or something boy committed suicide .Reason being heavy stressful work schedules of Hospital duties as a Resident Doctor. Exhaustion,sleep deprivation, strict HODs,demanding protocols and working atmosphere.....the trigger being rejection if Thesis.....Frustration, Depression.....ended in Suicide. The 2nd is the recent Pune Accident. A Drunken 17yr boy rashly drove his High speeding Porsche.....hit 2 people on bike who came in his way...... These incidents and the previous last month incident of a youth stabbing a girl in daylight in College Campus over Rejection..... whoever.....from Parents.....yes ....that's all A Parent can offer...... The incidents start debates on all Social Media.....Hot Hot debates...." Who is to be blamed?????" Who is responsible????? Sorry- Who should say????? As a Parent me thinkin

A Father's Love .....

 Today morning as I was walking across a  Cricket coaching academy... A young girl got out of the car carrying a bulky Cricket kit even bigger than her small stature  ...she turned at the enterance of the academy and blew kisses to the driver of the car....Her Papa... The Father got out  ..greeted a friend... Proudly pointed to his daughter..." Have come to leave my Daughter to the Cricket Academy " ...... Today, Papas love their daughters as Girl Child.....unlike yesterday....when the Fathers treated their girls with love but raised them as Sons....... Today, Papas take their Girls to not only Cricket academy but also join them in Dance Schools. They play Volleyball with their Girls....and also get their face painted by the little daughters with lipstick, Bindi.....and styled their hair with clips and ribbons Proudly and Enthusiastically.  Instagram showed The Rock- actor Dwayne his selfie with his little girls...who had decorated their  Dad with ribbons,pony

My Right...My Vote.

 Women Suffrage Right.... Right to vote in Political elections.... Women were not allowed to vote. In 1920s, only privileged class Women got to vote.Later,educated Women got the right.But voting rights were given only to particular class of people... Suffrage Rights movement became strong.Right to vote for everyone- irrespective of gender, class,color,religion, community, size,shape,region......Whether straight or  LGBTQ.....Black or white or yellow or any color..... Men and Women both.... The 1st country to give Suffrage rights for Women was New Zealand.  Indian Constitution was drafted in 1950.Indian Women got Suffrage rights in 1951. Today is 2024.Almost 7 decades and more have passed...... India is having  Parliamentary elections.  In Free Independent Democratic India....everyone is given Suffrage Rights. But alas....hardly 40-50% of citizens feel it necessary to Cast Their Vote....Exercise their Suffrage Rights. Very Pathetic scene for a 130Cr Population..... Inspite of holiday be

Do we teach our Boys????

 In Ramayana, Sita got abducted by Ravana....after she crossed over the forbidden Laxman Rekha.....forcibly taken to Lanka. In the end,Sita had to give the Agni Pariksha to prove her purity. Later abandoned when she was pregnant and vulnerable.... Finally, she was forced to pray Mother Earth to take her back. This was in Purana Kala.....long long years ago. Then came the Nirbhaya incident in Delhi. And now recently in Karnataka, a young girl was mercilessly stabbed by her batchmate when she refused to acknowledge his love proposal. The jilted lover boy just like Ravana couldn't tolerate the rejection.  But though public outrage was seen.Sympathies to the girl were offered ..but..... Yes,..... But fingers dud get pointed out to the girl and her parents.... Even in Nirbhaya case..... The character of the girl in both cases Just like Sita in Ramayana.....was questioned. The girls forced to prove their morality.... The parents were blamed for the Upbringing of their Girl ..... So just

My validation

 My Validation .... Mirror Mirror on the Wall  Who is the Fairest of all ..... A story we have heard in childhood.  Validation of being Fairest...... Since childhood, each kid especially we girls....are taught to seek validation from someone..... It could be for looks,intelligence, skills,sports,,culinary, dressing........anything and everything.  We must dress up to look good,.....we must be intelligent to impress others...... We must cook for others..... We must learn to be creative or do anything for others....... As young girls, we always strive to get validation from our Father....... When we get married.....we crave for validation from our Husband...... I watched a movie " Dil Dhadkane Do".... A mother craved validation from her husband regarding her looks....which she never ever got....So the neglect drove her into binge eating.  Daughter craved for validation from the Father....she worked hard since childhood and succeeded in running her own busines