
Showing posts from February, 2021

Life after 40

 Life after 40 " The person you are trying to call is not responding. Please call later." I was trying to call my son studying Medicine 1st year. It was Sunday afternoon.  I tried calling my daughter in college. She told me she is busy studying for exams starting from Monday and cut the call. I felt sad and lonely.  For so many years I had given my everything for them.Now they are so busy that they don't have time for me. I am a freelance Anaesthesiologist. I am busy with my practice most of the time.  Right from 7th standard, I have always been busy with studies and extra curricular activities. So never bothered with housekeeping and culinary skills. Then came Medical college and Post graduation. Life became even more hectic with absolutely no time for feminine skills like Grooming, knitting, embroidery, housekeeping or simple cooking.  I got married immediately after Post graduation.  Life became a big Rollercoaster ride.  Kids, Private practice, hectic schedules of kid

Zen of Life

 Zen of Life Expectations and Acceptance. A balance between the two is the Zen of Life. In 2016,I suffered Fracture of Left Collar bone following fall from a slide in water park.I had fallen off 10 feet.  The positive side was no concussion to brain.The negative part,I had to be operated for the Fracture. Implant and screws were inserted.My Left hand couldn't be used for 1 month.  For an Anaesthesiologist, left hand is very important. It is the Intubating Hand.I hold the Laryngoscope with my Left hand to insert the Endotracheal tube in the throat for General Anaesthesia.  I had severe pain and difficulty using my Left hand. The whole incident brought into me lots of Anxiety. How will I continue giving General Anaesthesia with a weak Left hand.How will I be able to practice henceforth? I started cursing myself for being so careless.  How could I be so nonchalant? The repercussions of this incident was Anxiety, Depression. Followed by multiple medical issues.  I started getting Panic

Purnani Jeans

 Ik kudi jeena naam हँसी gum hai,gum hai,gum hai..... Purani jeans aur guitar 🎸......... The best days of our life....Sewagram days. Entering into Sewagram,coming from a bustling Mumbai.....I wondered " God,how am I going to survive here?". We were in Gandhi Ashram for 15 days. Amongst so many girls from different parts of India. Some I found funny and some found my Bombayya Southie accent " Arrey,tera naam kya hai" types funny. First I had lice in my hair.Panicked. But helped by a Mumbai girl who gave me Mediker. We became friends and have been mates since then. Slowly our group started adding and we became group of 10- 15 girls by end of 5and a half years. After 15 days of orientation camp,we officially joined college. And entered the Girls Hostel.Same evening we had our First Official Ragging.All seniors from all batches, PG, and Warden were present. Some girls made to dance,some sang,some told jokes.....Iwas told to perform Yoga Asanas. For months,ragging conti

The CareGiver

 The Caretaker. A to me accompanied by her70 yr old husband at my Pain Clinic.  She was Last stage Cancer Breast with Metastasis in bone,Iiver and lungs. She was in severe pain and mentally and physically drained. One of her relative Doctor had informed her that she had few days left. The whole atmosphere in my room was sombre.  I explained to her " Aunty, you are blessed to have a wonderful family. Such caring and loving husband and kids.For their sake,you stay strong. I assure you that pain part will be taken care of.Whatever months left spend memorable moments with your family".I assured her husband that his wife will get painfree last days of her life. I had to give her 2/3 Various nerve blocks with Morphine tablets.  She would have mood swings of depression,Violent abusive outbursts,Fits of melancholy.She would stop taking feeds. She would beg for euthanasia.  In all this turmoil,the husband was patient,calm,and gave full attention, tender loving care to his ailing wife.

Just a Housewife......

 A 46yr lady was posted for Hysterectomy ( Uterus removal). Her Haemoglobin was just 5mg%. I had to anaesthetise her.I was wondering " How can an affluent family lady have such low Haemoglobin?".It was shocking to hear that this lady had been bleeding per vagina for one month.She felt shy to tell her husband nor consult any Doctor. She was brought to hospital when she fell unconscious in the house. A 65yr lady came to my Pain clinic with last stage of Cancer Breast and metastasis in organs and bone.When enquired about her treatment so far..her husband told me that She had detected small node in her breast 2years ago.But ignored it.Six months back,when she developed foul smelling ulcers over the breast,she was brought to hospitals Unfortunately the cancer had spread all over the body. We ,Mediacal professionals get to see such cases everyday. It is sad to see curable diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, Leprosy,Tuberculosis,Fibroid in Uterus,Tumors In initial stages not getti

When there is Focus

 Where there is focus...... This blog is written with the intention of motivating youth and kids to do well in life in all fronts.....personal and professional. Especially Girls. My story till today....... I have been an AVERAGE...Kid ... average in intelligence and looks as well. But as a Ä¢IRL.... a fireball. Very ambitious, determined and gritty. So in school and college, I have been encouraged by many due to my hardworking attitude. But also got to hear harsh words which would have demoralised me . " You are not smart enough to get this HIGH MARKS.". You can never be able to get medical seat  with such low scores in Prelims. You can never get Post graduate seat with average intelligence.  I have been told on face" Your face is not smart.Looking at you....I bet you will never become Doctor.or anything in Life". But all this didn't deter me from hard work . Instead it motivated me ,determination became stronger. I did get a medical seat both UG and PG in  one o


 Compression Impressions  I have been chubby right as a kid. I am a Tea pot ....Round and stout.This is my Handle and this is my spout........ This nursery rhyme was apt for me. In school ,college,Medical school....all family functions....My chubbiness was topic of jokes. I was ridiculed....You gave nourishment to your brain and body both. Your body stopped growing vertically. Only horizontally. You are Banayan tree.Growing by Girth by age. In medical college,I met a dear friend..who coined my Chubbiness with a beautiful word.  She would tell me" Tripti,You are not fat. You have COMPRESSIBLE FAT" . See you can fit into my Dress so easily." She was size M/ L. And I was nice  XL. I would wear her beautiful dresses and feel good and confident of myself and my body. True Friends have only Beautiful eyes for you.

Feelings and Expression

 How  vocal are you with your feelings? Anger,Love,LustEnvy, Pride,Jealousy .So many feelings in us. As kids we freely express ourselves .But as we age,the inhibitions start restricting us to express ourselves.  So many times we feel shy to express love to person you feel attracted to for the fear of rejection.  Our Ego comes in way to either express gratitude or apologize to someone we hurt.  Our Jealousy fails to appreciate someone else who is better than us.  Our Hesitation prevents us to reprimand someone erring. Our Love towards that person makes us blind or overlook mistakes made by someone. Is it advisable to hide our feelings whether good or bad? What should we put forth to our suppress....or to express.?. I am a very extrovert person who is vocal about everything.  I believe in transparency of feelings. I may get hurt or I may hurt someone with my expressions but that is short-lived.  In the Walk of Life,I have been appreciated by people who truly love me for who

Exam Antiquities

 Exam antiquities..... As Exams come closer, the scenario in every hostel becomes 🔥 but entertaining.  Variety of antiquities. Very mystique.Very Unique.Very hilarious.  1.The Rockers, the Shakers, the movers and the bangers. Some people sit in some corner of the terrace and keep rocking and byHearting. The Rocking movement can be to and from,Sideways or Front Back.Sometimes only the Head and at times the whole body. Some people only Shake like Cha Cha Cha. Some keep moving from one end to another. Either the steps are short like Fox trot or A stride like a Lion Growling. 2. The Dozers  These ever have a book on their lap.But eyes are ever closed. Like in Deep trance or meditation. If aroused...they get flustered as if someone has disturbed them from their Meditative stance. 3.The Bangers. These people are noisy. They study very loudly and keep banging the wall or the bed.They in between put their Stereos to full competition who is louder.The stereo or their Vocabulary.  4.

Two sides of a coin

 The two sides of a Coin The coin has 2 sides..Heads and Tails. The Scalpel has 2 ends.It all depends upon who is holding it.  I was posted in Trauma in BYL Nair Hospital. At around 6pm in evening mid week we received a 35yr old man,bleeding. His Clothes over lower part of body was drenched in Blood. We got a point of entry at buutocks and point of exit at groin. A stab injury which had missed his Femoral artery in groin area otherwise he would have bled to death. We infused lots of blood and saved the young man. This man was a wealthy businessman in Mumbai.He was hounded by Mafia for extortion. He refused to pay and complained to police. One evening, he was in a crowded Girgaum market with his wife.Suddenly he felt sharp pain in buttocks and in fraction of seconds his undergarments and Pyjama got soaked in blood. He got scared and was immediately brought to nearby Nair hospital in Taxi. Dear Readers,I don't want to glorify Mafia. But I was awestruck by the precision with which the


 Ahum.Me,Myself, My Happiness.  This is the Mantra of every person today. We want our next generation to follow the same.  We forget.....had our past generations thought or had same Inventions helpful to mankind globally would never have happened. India would never have got independence. Human beings itself would never have evolved if Adam and Eve had thought this way.  Today, Globally we are evolved in all respects. Life is convenient. So many opportunities are available. Technology is bringing people and great minds to think of others.  It is Philanthropy and love of human race towards each other, Empathy and Sympathy towards weak....These feelings have brought in revolutions and evolutions. But today, man is tending towards a plateau of satisfaction and satiety. No Hunger or Aggression. This is leading to Apathy and Selfishness. The Ahum or Me in Myself is getting more relevance than...Our,ANYA, and our Society.

Parental Love

 Parental Love. What is Parental Love?पुत्र मोह debatable. It is Blind love towards Duryodhan by Dhritarashtra because of which Mahabharat happened.  I was in ICU received 2 boys one with head injury and another with neck injury.  Also I was For their respective surgeries and followed them post operative period.  Though the 2 boys survived the surgery post trauma, but unfortunately they were left with morbidity. One boy was left Quadriplegic. Another was in Coma for 1year.  The2 boys were just 17/18yrs old. They had a long life but difficult path now.  They had both gone on bike for long drive for New year party. They got drunk and did wheely bike stunts in high speed. They lost balance and fell on their head and neck. The high Adrenaline of youth took big price.  As parents we want best for our kids.At young age provide them with smartphones, bikes,Cars and Cash. And proudly show off their achievements not relatable to their age and encourage them. The young minds have no contr

The Umblical Chord

The Maternal Chord  The connection of the baby with its mother starts right from the womb.Through the umblical chord.  I was called to give Sedation to a fetus of 20weeks in utero for MRI to rule out spina bifida.  The fetus was moving a lot making MRI difficult.  I thought " How will I give Anaesthesia to a fetus which is inside the womb.  I came with the idea of Umblical chord connection of Mother to Fetus.  The anxious mother if sedated will relax the fetus. So I sedated the mother. We did the fetal anomaly MRI.  Dear Readers, especially young mothers, the off spring is connected to you right from conception through the umblical chord. An overtly anxious mother passes on the Endorphines and Enkaphalines to the fetus through this umblical chord.  So all the Anxieties, Pessimism, Negative Thoughts, Depressive thoughts etc enter into the new born unknowingly right in the womb itself.  How many of you remember Abhimanyu who learnt about Chakravyuh in the womb itself.  It is not myt

Class of 92

 CLASS OF 92 BATCH ,MGIMS, SEWAGRAM........ MGIMS, SEWAGRAM is my Alma Mater for MBBS.  MY Batch joined in 1992. So the name 92 Batch. This BATCH has been famous ( STATISTICAL ANALYSIS BY ALUMNII GROUP). NEVER in history of Sewagram.,MGIMS ..80% of Batch strength has been Girls.  Yes, my 92 Batch had 38 girls and 12 boys initially.  After 2 months 40 girls and 10boys. After 6months....40 girls and 16 boys. Every year hardly 10 to maximum 20 girls would join in a batch. So Girls Hostel had only 2 blocks for Undergraduate girls. But in 1992,40 girls joined at one time. This caused commotion to management.  How do we accomodate so many girls. For 6months, lots of permutations were thought to the extent of Exchange of Girls and Boys Hostel. Yes sounds ridiculous today but very exciting to young blood those days.  But additional Boys Hostel one block was added to Girls hostel.DBlock...where PG  girls were accomodated. Coz that block was adjacent to Boys block.  This Batch of mine has been F